Thursday, March 31, 2005

Citas del día

Philip Guedalla

"Autobiography is an unrivaled vehicle for telling the truth about other people."

Jean-Paul Sartre

"We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact."

Jules Renard

"Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others."

R. Buckminster Fuller

"Sometimes I think we're alone. Sometimes I think we're not. In either case, the thought is staggering."


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 : Hot Rockin!

16 pasos de The Mars Volta "Frances the Mute" a Pink Floyd "Dark Side Of The Moon"

pensé que estarían más cerca...

Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by : Hot Rockin!

via metafilter


Shinako Sato

Muy pocas imagenes en la red del trabajo de esta artista, pero de este parrafo me dieron muchas ganas de conocer su obra:

Photographer Shinako Sato reportedly worked for five years as a makeup artist for a mortician, daubing the dead with lipstick. Perhaps that explains her fascination with elaborately staged and dressed dioramas of stiff figures (thankfully, dolls not real dead people). Sato works with Barbie dolls and plastic figures, posed and lit with cinematic intensity, then photographed and printed onto plexi-glass, and finally painted with little accents or illuminated with a witty caption. The resulting images could be surreal film stills from some weird parallel world where Barbie and Ken star in their own action, erotic and exploitation movies. In a previous show, one dead Barbie doll was inscribed “I’m gonna die… in your dirty mind.” Otaku art as only the Japanese can do.

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Welcome to TokyoQ


Wired 13.04: La Vida Robot

La historia de 4 indocumentados estudiando la prepa en Arizona y su desempeño en una competencia de robots sumergibles.

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Across campus, in a second-floor windowless room, four students huddle around an odd, 3-foot-tall frame constructed of PVC pipe. They have equipped it with propellers, cameras, lights, a laser, depth detectors, pumps, an underwater microphone, and an articulated pincer. At the top sits a black, waterproof briefcase containing a nest of hacked processors, minuscule fans, and LEDs. It's a cheap but astoundingly functional underwater robot capable of recording sonar pings and retrieving objects 50 feet below the surface. The four teenagers who built it are all undocumented Mexican immigrants who came to this country through tunnels or hidden in the backseats of cars. They live in sheds and rooms without electricity. But over three days last summer, these kids from the desert proved they are among the smartest young underwater engineers in the country.

acabaron ganando al final del dia. Contra MIT y su robot de 11,000 dolares, pero el final no es tan feliz. Ahora los dos que se han graduado tienen que trabajar en labores manuales ya que no tienen para la colegiatura de la universidad, que sería de no residentes aunque han pasado la mayor parte de su vida en este estado americano...

para eso se creo este fondo de ayuda:

The Phoenix Union High School District has created a scholarship fund to benefit the further education of Cristian Arcega, Lorenzo Santillan, Luis Aranda, and Oscar Vazquez.

To learn more or make a donation (by check) please contact:

Phoenix Union Partnership - La Vida Robot Scholarship
Phoenix Union High School District - Attn: Jodie Baker
4502 N. Central, Room 5
Phoenix, AZ 85012

Wired 13.04: La Vida Robot


Paco Calderon, caricaturista

Mi caricaturista político favorito. Creo que tiene desigual parte de enemigos que de amigos pero eso le pasa por ser tan irónico:

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Paco Calderon, caricaturista

via caballo negro


Citas del día

Galileo Galilei

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him."


"No human thing is of serious importance."

George Orwell

"On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time."

Abraham Lincoln

"'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."


Monday, March 28, 2005

Church will try to squash hero in 'Spider-Man 3'

Hollywood Reporter... reporta que Thomas Haden Church esta contratado para ser el nuevo villano de Spiderman 3.

Las dos primeras películas han tenido a dos villanos parte de Sinister Six (Los Seis Siniestros?) por lo que la lógica dictaria que fuera uno de estos el nuevo villano.

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Buitre, Sandman, Elektro, Mysterio, y los ya realizados Duende Verde y Doctor Octopus.

mi dinero esta en Elektro:

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Church will try to squash hero in 'Spider-Man 3'

via defamer



Asi es como funcionan las cosas, checando el blog de Ronin Rojo me encuentro con esta imagen:

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y dispara algunas notas mentales: post de la contratación de Hayden Chuch para Spiderman 3...

y curiosidad para checar la página de

Donde me entero que existe una página de cowparade México que ahora apenas es un informe de prensa: CowParade - press release y que próximamente se daran una vuelta por aca:

| - search results

Directorio de diseñadores mexicanos:

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Christian Garcia S - search results

via core77


Ridgely Studio Works

La idea no se me hace tan innovadora, pero debo admitir que se ve increible, una lampara creada a abase de una caja de alambre y plasticos y piedras iluminada por dentro:

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Ridgely Studio Works

via MoCo Loco: Stone 3


Yahoo Search Creative Commons

Yahoo pone al alcance de todos un buscador de Creative Commons, teniendo como opción poder buscar arte con permiso para reproducir y/o modificar

todavia siento que necesita apretar las tuercas, una búsqueda de "shark art" me manda a:

we make money not art: Remote controled shark

que por cierto tiene relación con el robot tiburón de la semana pasada.

Yahoo Search Creative Commons

via Joi Ito


Citas del día

Harrison Ford

"Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist."

Tom Stoppard

"I agree with everything you say, but I would attack to the death your right to say it."


"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."

Robert Heinlein

"A motion to adjourn is always in order."

Carl Sagan

"It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese."

Bill Watterson

"Talking with you is sort of the conversational equivalent of an out of body experience."

Kin Hubbard

"Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature."

G. K. Chesterton

"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions."

Don Marquis

"When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?'"


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Tokyo still most expensive city in world

Debe ser otra vez esa epoca del año, donde los despachos que se dedican al estudio de la economía mundial publican su lista de "Ciudades más caras" Tokyo, es otra vez primera en costo de vida:

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Tokyo remains the most expensive city in the world in terms of cost of living, a report released Tuesday by the Economist Intelligence Unit revealed.

After Tokyo came Osaka, Oslo, Paris, Copenhagen and Zurich, with the top six remaining unchanged. In contrast, no cities in the United States feature in the top 20, with New York dropping from 13th in the previous survey to 23rd. At the bottom of the list was Tehran, with Manila and Mumbai above it. The survey compared the cost of a basket of goods and services in dollar terms from 124 cities worldwide to provide guidance for the calculation of executive allowances.

Japan Today - News - Tokyo still most expensive city in world - Japan's Leading International News Network

aqui esta la liga al estudio de The Economics Intelligence Unit:

# Despite the rise in relative costs, London has risen only one place in the global cost of living rankings, still behind Tokyo, Osaka, Oslo, Paris, Copenhagen and Zurich - with the top six remaining unchanged.

West European cities continue to dominate as the most expensive destinations, with 16 of the top 20 places. Aside from Tokyo and Osaka Kobe, Hong Kong and Singapore are the only non-European cities in the top 20 and neither makes the top ten.

Press release - EIU Online Store

foto via imomus


Apple - Pro/Video - Fabien Cousteau, p. 1

El nieto de Cousteau, crea un transporte robot en forma de tiburón para poder estudiarlos más de cerca:

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“When I was seven years old I read a Tintin story called ‘Rackham le Rouge,’ where he makes a sub in the shape of a shark and goes underwater,” recalls Cousteau. “Since then I’ve always wanted to build a shark sub.” The idea has family precedent: in 1989 his father deployed a shark look-alike vehicle that was attacked by a large female Great White and completely destroyed. Fabien is undaunted; Troy, he points out, is an utterly different beast.

Apple - Pro/Video - Fabien Cousteau, p. 1

via core77

excelente artículo, algo que no habia visto en el newsletter de apple desde que conocí a Antibalas


The Disappearing Model Trick - FEATURE - MOSNEWS.COM

Gracias a Carmen Gray finalmente puedo poner esta duda en el cajón de los resueltos. Por qué no hay mujeres rusas en la media?. Por qué sólo hay o modelos o matronas?

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There is a popular opinion that Russia has most beautiful girls: slender, well-groomed, with just the right amount of that mysterious soul mixed in. They run across icy January sidewalks wearing high heels with alarming dexterity and barely perspire in their fur coats on the metro. Beauty requires sacrifice, as they say. The pickiest critics claim that true beauties don’t take public transportation any more, but the general consensus holds that Moscow’s metro scores higher on the babe-o-meter than any other metro in the world.

One goal of this article is to try to explain a puzzle that male expats and visitors to Russia have been trying to unravel for themselves. What happens to all the babes later in life? What happens to the supermodels on the metro? Do they all emigrate upon reaching the age of thirty? Why are most middle-aged women in Russia squat and bitter, resembling Madeleine Albright rather than Sophie Loren?

This is one mystery that is definitely wrapped inside of an enigma. Evil tongues declare that all the beauties are promptly exported abroad as mail-order brides, but I am skeptical, since older Russian women vastly outnumber older Russian men. So, there are two possible explanations: either bitter overweight women are secretly introduced into Russian society by extraterrestrials, or Russian girls eventually mutate into plump ladies on their own. Since this is twenty-first century, and we are not frivolous x-file theorists here, the only true option is the first one. So, let’s approach the dilemma with a serious attitude.

The Disappearing Model Trick - FEATURE - MOSNEWS.COM

via carmen mirada


Chinese Watermelon Art/Sculpture

Galeria de melones tallados:

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Chinese Watermelon Art/Sculpture

via core77


Why Britney Spears Hates HDTV!

Una lista de personas que se ven mejor de lo que se veían en tv normal, comparada a unas que no las agracía tanto el formato de alta definición:

una probada:


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4. Sting
Isn't it bad enough that this guy has all that musical talent? In his fifties, Sting still looks great in high-def.


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1. Cameron Diaz
The actress has had a terrible acne problem since high
school; her cheeks and forehead are littered with
unfortunate pockmarks. Ms. Diaz seems like a different
person in HDTV; she looks more like a Charlie than an

Why Britney Spears Hates HDTV!

via ALT1040 | Netcultura


Photo Gallery

La serie de fotos que muestra el avance de una pareja que decide hacerse operación de reducción del estomago:

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Welcome to our Web site!

My name is Jessica Loos and my husband Leo and I had Gastric Bypass surgery on January 23, 2003. Whether you are looking into the surgery, have already had the surgery, or just curious, we want you all to feel welcome. This is our journey and we want to share it with all of you.

We will be updating the site at least once a month with updates on how we are doing, how much we have lost, what the experience is like, etc. Please come back and see us as we will be adding new information when we can.

Photo Gallery

via Otomano


Citas del día

Samuel Butler

"Man is the only animal that laughs and has a state legislature."

Johnny Carson

"If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners."

Wilson Mizner

"To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady."


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

El Friki Test (The Geek Test)

Mi resultado: 27.81065%... Gran Friky!!

no!!!! Y eso que hice trampa para tratar de bajar mi frik score!

la sección que me mató fue la de peliculas. Las he visto todas, aún y si ha sido convencido de que fue en bases científicas y de estudio antropológico (diciendo ese tipo de cosas, creo que si me merezco mi puntación...)

Eso me pasa por saber que el significado de la vida es 42...

El Friki Test (The Geek Test)

via Instantes de mi vida ib�rica


comingupforair: Paint heads

Un ejercicio de Matthew Forsythe donde después de crear una mancha de tinta, se trata de formar una cara mientras se habla por telefono:

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comingupforair: Paint heads

via Drawn!



La película Eros (2004) tiene la participación de tres buenos directores: Michelangelo Antonioni, Steven Soderbergh , Kar Wai Wong. Cada uno con un corto. Me parece curioso que ultimamente he visto muchos cortos en colección, en especial en Asia. En el FICCO estuvo Three... Extremes (2004), aunque yo recomendaría San geng (2002) ó Three en el mercado internacional. La primera trilogía de cortos de horror de Asia. Me salí un poco del tema, pero con él solo mencionar a Wong Kar Wai, y a Robert Downey, aunque en cortos separados la pone en mi lista de pendientes:

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via chinguere - el blog de c.g. campillo de donde también me robé el poster.


photo-eye | Explore Art Photography

La galería online de Hiroshi Watanabe :

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photo-eye | Explore Art Photography

via Crazy Japan!


Ancient Chinese Sex Toys Exhibition

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Funny story... Bueno tal vez no tan graciosa, pero despues de tener esta imagen por más de dos semanas en mi computadora, tenía que buscar de donde habia salido...

Those ancient chinese... obviously had a lot of time on their hands...

más imagenes en:

ancient chinese sex toys

autowitch | The last hope for mankind.



Hace años que no uso una Mac (I blame global corporations) pero siempre estoy a la busqueda de buenos programas para mis amigos macqueros.

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Quite simply, the nicest media player for Mac.

Designed from the ground up from people who like to watch movies, NicePlayer does all of the things that you would expect from a media player, and all of the things you didn't know you needed.

ah y es shareware.


via pixelsurgeon


Cool Sites : Love Hotels

Colección de ligas a varios sitios de "love hotels" japoneses:

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Cool Sites : Love Hotels


Citas del día

Arthur Koestler

"The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards."

John Ruskin

"There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey."

Edward Shepherd Mead

"Not even computers will replace committees, because committees buy computers."

John Tudor

"A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way."

Robert Louis Stevenson

"Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary."

Edgar Watson Howe

"A poem is no place for an idea."

Ronald Reagan

"The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away."

Ambrose Bierce

"Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles."

Thomas Jefferson

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive."

William Ralph Inge

"A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors."

Douglas Adams

"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Krypt Kiddies 4

Yo no se que tanta NECESIDAD haya de este tipo de imagenes...

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We thought there was a need for
some really demonic, but devilishly sweet,
as well as pretty babies out there.
The response was overwhelming.

Concentration is now on our pride and joys...
..the evil reborn....Krypt Kiddies...

Krypt Kiddies 4

via M.L.


Citas del día

Stephen Leacock

"Newspapermen learn to call a murderer 'an alleged murderer' and the King of England 'the alleged King of England' to avoid libel suits."

Laurence J. Peter

"Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents' shortcomings."

Robert Orben

"To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so."


Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Es una página que toma el nombre del autor y con las portadas de sus libros listados en amazon, crea su nombre

ejemplo de Neil Gaiman:

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via boingboing


Web of Letters

Sitio que crea palabras de imagenes de letras sacadas de todo interné:

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Web of Letters

via metafilter


Galeria de Stenciles Rumanos


The Drawings

Galeria de dibujos de Vincent Van Gogh:

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The Drawings: A - C Listings

via monkeyfilter


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Cast it

No por ver muchas peliculas de Lars Von Trier se entiende mejor el danés...

Supongo que es una agencia de modelos...

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el segundo, o la segunda? de enmedio de abajo a arriba...


Cast it

casi seguro de que lo vi en: 1, 2, 3 por mi



Cute and creepy character from Japan... La primera vez que lo vi, estaba en un espectacular vendiendo departamentos en Tokio...

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What's Hanpanda?

"HANPANDA", half of it is panda and the other half is other animal. There are more than 100 kinds of "HANPANDA" and they live together happily in the "HANPANDA KINGDOM". The "HANPANDA KINGDOM" is a pleasent place... there are jungle, swamp, sea and river! Each "HANPANDA" has a different character. Some love to play, some love3 to sleep and some love to eat. Lood for "HANPANDA" tha's similar to you! if you explore the "HANPANDA KINGDOM", you cna sometime meet a rare "HANPANDA"

Creados por Nagi Noda, vista ultimamente en el aniversario de Hello! Kitty, con su HANKITTY O KITTYPANDA...

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y los dejo con la imagen más desconcertante del sitio...

HANPANDA a la mitad del camino en la noche...

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Sandman quiz

Esperando a que Keanu sea Morpheus... mejor hagan este quiz

soy destiny:

Which Sandman Character Are You?

undocumented // neil gaiman's sandman


One in three dads try breastmilk

Ahora se porque la esta viendo asi...

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One in three new dads in Britain admit to trying their partner's breastmilk.

Cow & Gate undertook a poll of 1,690 men to discover their attitudes on breastfeeding.

They say the results explode the myth that fathers feel excluded when their partner breastfeeds a new baby.

Not only did 74% of all men say they felt included, but a third admitted to trying their partner's breastmilk.

The majority of those who have tasted breastmilk (69%) were found in East Anglia - nearly three times the number found in Greater London (25%) and more than double those interviewed in the North (29%).

Ananova - One in three dads try breastmilk


Monday, March 14, 2005

Marvel Motivational Posters

No se que tan buena idea sea que Marvel saque posters motivacionales... o que tenga a villanos con este tipo de frases:

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"Within me lies infinite power... before me, endless possibilities... Decisions... Decisions... Decisions."

hmm. crush his head with a flying car? or pull all the blood to the brain...

Decisions.... Decisions... Decisions...

y este es el poster que fue creado y luego cancelado:

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"To fight when others fold, pursue while others retreat, conquer while others quit, and make right when all else is wrong."

Marvel Motivational Posters



living jewels

Soy fan de los bichos multicolores, pero no tan fan que le pondría a mi sitio: Joyas vivientes:

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living jewels

via metafilter


Milton Glaser

10 cosas que ha aprendido Milton Glaser, estas son las 3 primeras:

Number 1

It took me a long time to learn this rule because at the beginning of my practice I felt the opposite. Professionalism inferred that you didn’t necessarily have to like the people that you worked for, and should maintain an arms length relationship to them. As a result, I never had lunch with a client or saw them socially. Some years ago I realised that I was deluded. In looking back, I discovered that all the work I had done that was meaningful and significant came out of an affectionate relationship with a client. Affection, trust and sharing some common ground is the only way good work can be achieved. Otherwise it is a bitter and hopeless struggle

Number 2

One night I was sitting in my car outside Columbia University where my wife Shirley was studying Anthropology. While I was waiting I was listening to the radio and heard an interviewer ask ‘Now that you have reached 75 have you any advice for our audience about how to prepare for your old age?’ An irritated voice said ‘Why is everyone asking me about old age these days?’ I recognised the voice as John Cage. I am sure that many of you know who he was – the composer and philosopher who influenced people like Jasper Johns and Merce Cunningham as well as the music world in general. I knew him slightly and admired his contribution to our times. ‘You know, I do know how to prepare for old age’ he said. ‘Never have a job, because if you have a job someday someone will take it away from you and then you will be unprepared for your old age. For me, it has always been the same every since the age of 12. I wake up in the morning and I try to figure out how am I going to put bread on the table today? It is the same at 75, I wake up every morning and I think how am I going to put bread on the table today? I am exceeding well prepared for my old age’ he said.

Number 3

This is a subtext of number one. There was in the sixties an old geezer named Fritz Perls who was a gestalt therapist. Gestalt therapy derives from art history, it proposes you must understand the ‘whole’ before you can understand the details. What you have to look at is the entire culture, the entire family and community and so on. Perls proposed that in all relationships people could be either toxic or nourishing towards one another. It is not necessarily true that the same person will be toxic or nourishing in every relationship, but the combination of any two people in a relationship produces toxic or nourishing consequences. And the important thing that I can tell you is that there is a test to determine whether someone is toxic or nourishing in your relationship with them. Here is the test: You have spent some time with this person, either you have a drink or go for dinner or you go to a ball game. It doesn’t matter very much but at the end of that time you observe whether you are more energised or less energised. Whether you are tired or whether you are exhilarated. If you are more tired then you have been poisoned. If you have more energy you have been nourished. The test is almost infallible.



The Museum of Anti-Alcohol Posters

Galeria de Posters anti-alcohol rusos... o son pro-alcohol??

fight the power!

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The Museum of Anti-Alcohol Posters

via we make money not art



Como perder horas en internet? Si antes no tenian la respuesta a esta pregunta, se creó Drawn, un blog de ilustración...


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ilustración de Daisuke Tsutsumi



The Art of James Bond

Galeria de todo el arte de James Bond, películas, libros, etc:

ejemplo del poster japonés de Casino Royale:

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The Art of James Bond

via we make money not art


mental_floss fact of the day

Trivia, trivia, trivia

Fact of the Day

for Thursday,
September 23, 2004

What country has the most Spanish speakers? (Hint: Spain is #4 on the list.)

Just as England isn't the place where the most English speakers live, and Portugal isn't the place where most Portuguese speakers live, such is the case with Spanish.

1. Mexico, 91.1

ya ves Upiro... si podemos ser Número 1...

mental_floss fact of the day



Galeria de interpretaciones toonescas de varias bandas:

Rob Zombie:

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via L. China.


Citas del día

Mickey Rooney

"Always get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whole day."

Jean-Luc Picard

"Things are only impossible until they're not."

Nick Diamos

"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity."

Robert Frost

"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence."

Edward Abbey

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets."


Friday, March 11, 2005

Yellow Ledbetter

Update: agregue la letra gracias a Etovar

Flash, y tienen que verlo, y oirlo.

Someone has figured out the lyrics to 'Yellow Ledbetter' by Pearl Jam (Flash) and created this cartoon to prove it. This is a big deal because Pearl Jam has never released the lyrics to the song, and Eddie Vedder is incapable of singing in anything other than mumbles.


MonkeyFilter | Lyrics to 'Yellow Ledbetter" Unmystified

y aqui esta lo más acercado a letra oficial


via La ultima pregunta


And we shall call him nemesis

El presidente de la MPAA visita México... y visita el barrio de Teapot??

MPAA's Glickman in Mexico to fight piracy

MEXICO CITY -- The U.S. motion picture industry and the Mexican government have embarked on a cross-border partnership in the battle against Mexican film pirates, who raked in $140 million last year, MPAA president Dan Glickman said at a news conference Wednesday. Glickman's anti-piracy mission to Mexico included a meeting with Mexican President Vicente Fox as well as a tour of one of the Mexico City's crime-ridden black-market areas, where he was able to acquire a pirated copy of his son's movie. Glickman later told reporters that Fox had designated top government official Eduardo Sojo as a point person to coordinate enforcement efforts between the Mexican government and the MPA, the MPAA's international counterpart.

pero la mejor parte... heheheh

Getting a firsthand glimpse of Mexico's back-street traders, Glickman -- accompanied by bodyguards -- toured Mexico City's Teapot neighborhood, which he later described as "one of the world's largest black markets."

que es inexplicable si dos parrafos después viene:

It was disturbing," he said. Although authorities stage periodic raids in Tepito, it is believed that they do not go after the larger distributors because they allegedly receive police protection.

esto es interesante y el cierre del artículo:

According to a study released by Screen Digest, Mexican theaters are the seventh-most-expensive in the world when considering relative purchasing power.

por lo que no sorprende la cantidad de piratería en México.

El artículo cita que México es el tercero en piratería detrás de China y Rusia...


Cita del día

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

"The glory of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it."


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Mac Mini Colorized

Lastima que sacaron las fotos en un escritorio negro y no se alcanza a ver lo bien que se ven los productos de la empresa ColorWare...

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una muestra con una imac g5

Image hosted by - Mac Mini News - The Mac Mini Colorized

via gizmodo


Opus Design Award 2005

En algun lado lei (probablemente internet) que existía algun defecto congénito en las razas asíaticas por lo que eran más propensos a necesitar lentes... whatever. ..

El punto es que el Opus Design award es un concurso japonés de diseño anual de diseño de lentes:

Eyewear that is always beautiful, practical, fashionable and fun.
Eyewear that puts energy into activities of body and mind that supports a rich and enjoyable life in an aging society.
The pursuit of design is a perpetual theme, as design is indispensible.
We have prepared a stage of free expression for the creative passion and will invite creators of the world to propose a new form.

El ganador de 2004 con su diseño:

Vladimir Cools / BELGIUM

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Opus Design Award 2005

via reforma


New method for colorization of B&W movies and images

Unos investigadores en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalem desarrollaron software que coloriza fotos y peliculas en blanco y negro con solo marcar con color una parte de lo que vaya en ese color, y el software colorea el resto.

Y con solo colorear ciertos cuadros, se puede colorear toda una pelicula...

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The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has developed a computer-assisted method for colorizing black and white images and movies.

So far, automatic algorithms often failed to correctly identify fuzzy or complex region boundaries, leaving the artist with the task of manually delineating complicated boundaries between regions. Colorization of movies requires, in addition, tracking regions, as movement occurs across the frames of a particular scene.

Dani Lischinski, Yair Weiss and Anat Levin's new colorization process requires neither precise, manual, region detection, nor accurate tracking.

The user indicates simply "scribbles" the desired color inside the targeted region instead of tracing its precise boundary.

With these "hints," the software automatically propagates colors to the remainder of the image and from there to subsequent frames of the movie.

hmm. demasiadas "areas grises" para mi gusto... todavía parece magia...

Colorization Using Optimization

via we make money not art


Favela Faces

Pequeñas viñetas de cuatro personas viviendo en las favelas:

Favela Faces is a bilingual web site that uses photographs and short video interviews to tell the stories behind the faces of four people living in or around the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

These four stories relate the problems facing favela residents, the ways in which they are working to overcome them, and how they have and continue to improve their communities with the limited resources available to them.

Read on to learn about the lives of Tio Souza, Tiana, Zé Cabo, and Paulinho.

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la familia de Zé Cabo

Favela Faces

via metafilter


Citas del día

Nicholas Chamfort

"In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen; in small things they show themselves as they are."

William Jennings Bryan

"No one can earn a million dollars honestly."

Thomas H. Huxley

"Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors."


Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Worth 1000 y su concurso de remixes de posters de peliculas:

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