Friday, January 30, 2004


hmm. una liga un poco criptica... Esta pagina tiene una funcion que es basica si se vive detras de un bloqueo de paginas.

se inserta una direccion y la pagina la convierte en una direccion enorme.


se convierte en:

no se porque, pero se me hizo buena idea...



Thursday, January 29, 2004

Business 2.0 - 101 Dumbest Moments in Business: Grand Prize Winners

La revista Business 2.0 publico los 101 momentos mas estupidos en los negocios en el 2004.

The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business
Our fourth annual review of the most shameful, dishonest, and just plain stupid moments of the past year.

En lugar 49.

In Moscow, authorities ban a poster promoting Russia's Finance magazine. Says publisher Igor Maltsev, "I thought the currencies were dancing."

Si recuerdan el euro "violador" aparecio hace tiempo en ponchorama.

Buena lectura de muestras de avaricia y estupidez humana aplicada.

Business 2.0 - 101 Dumbest Moments in Business: Grand Prize Winners


Yahoo! News - Flower-Power Could Help Clear Land mines

Un grupo de botanistas daneses estan diseñando una flor detectora de minas... pretty cool stuff.

A Danish biotech company has developed a genetically modified flower that could help detect land mines and it hopes to have a prototype ready for use within a few years.

The genetically modified weed has been coded to change color when its roots come in contact with nitrogen-dioxide (NO2) evaporating from explosives buried in soil.

Within three to six weeks from being sowed over land mine infested areas the small plant, a Thale Cress, will turn a warning red whenever close to a land mine.

According to data compiled by Aresa, more than 100 million land mines have been spread out in 45 countries, hidden killers that often remain for years after a conflict is over.

Yahoo! News - Flower-Power Could Help Clear Land mines


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Tijuana Bibles

Que es un tijuana bible?

Tijuana Bibles were pornographic tracts popular in America before the advent of mass-market full-color glossy wank-fodder such as Playboy. A typical bible consisted of eight stapled comic-strip frames portraying characters and celebrities (eg. John Dillinger, Popeye, Disney characters) in wildly sodomistic situations. Many could be considered grossly racist, sexist, and otherwise wholly "politically incorrect." Browser discretion is advised.

suficiente introduccion, demasiadas imagenes go look for yourselves.

Tijuana Bibles


Quictime de objetos siendo volados a balazos

el primero son tres latas de tecate...


Una banda que utiliza los sonidos provenientes de los pianos de juguete. Y aparte tienen una galeria de todos los pianos de juguete que se han construido.

worth a look see



Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Confessions of a Car Salesman

Especialmente ahora que estoy "en el mercado" buscando un auto nuevo... Este trabajo de reportaje bajo cubierta resulto muy ilustrativo. Ahora cada que hablo con un vendedor de autos, puedo ver los pequeños engranes que se discuten en el articulo. Ah y tambien es bueno para cualquiera que no desee un trabajo en ventas, para seguir asi.

y todo comienza por el llenado de formas ridiculas:

The application they gave me at the car dealership included a "personality test," a list of about 80 questions to which I had to answer yes or no. There were no right answers, the instructions told me. The questions gave me insight to the kind of people who typically applied for jobs at car dealerships.

The first few questions were innocent enough, something like: "I enjoy relaxing and listening to music: yes or no?" But soon I noticed a trend developing. Question 7 was, "I enjoy going to bars: yes or no?" A few more innocent questions followed, then, "After going to a bar I feel good about myself: yes or no?" Questions about bars continued throughout.

Then, at about number 73, was this loaded question: "I like guns: yes or no?" I wondered how they would react if I crossed out the word "like" and put in "love." Better yet, I considered inserting the word "automatic" in front of "guns."

Y las palabras magicas para entrar al mundo de la venta de autos:

"You've never sold cars before. Is that right?"


"Why do you want to work here?"

My first inclination was to say, hey, I'm a car freak. Always have been. I could explain cars, how they work, get people excited about the performance and the different features. But then I remembered my editor's advice.

I smiled at Dave, trying to convey the feeling that the answer was obvious.

"I want to make a lot of money," I said.

The effect on Dave was amazing. He smiled and relaxed, as if I had said the password to enter an exclusive club. If this had been a cartoon, dollar signs would have appeared in his eyes accompanied by a loud "Cha-ching!"

muy buen articulo y recomendado tanto como reportaje o como buena ficcion.

Confessions of a Car Salesman



Listas de 5, acerca de todo. algunas llenas de humor como esta:

Five good responses for telemarketers or collection agencies

1. I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with human sacrifice?
2. Seriously, will you still be this interested in me after we've dated for a while?
3. Would you be able to tell if I were defecating right now?
4. I am French. Your money means nothing to me.
5. I can smell your panties through the phone.

ahora no puedo esperar a que me hablen ofreciendome una tarjeta de credito...



City of God

Acaban de publicarse las nominaciones al Oscar.

Tranquilos LoTR fans, si consiguieron las nominaciones grandes... a excepcion de las de actores.

pero lo que realmente me molesta... Es como demonios Cidade de Deus no esta nominada a Mejor pelicula extranjera???

Tiene que ver con que hubo dinero gringo??? pero el nombre correcto de la categoria es Pelicula en Lengua Extranjera!!!!

lo extraño es que no fue nominada para la categoria que mas le iba, pero si para Edicion, adaptacion, entre otras para un total de 4...

espero que si se lleve algo porque se lo merece, pero la que mas se merece no se la va a llevar... - 76th Annual Academy Awards - Nominees: Nominee List


Monday, January 26, 2004

<> Festival Internacional de Cine Contemporaneo

del 19 de Febrero al 29 de Febrero.

10 dias?? Demasiado pocos A cuenta rapida hay por lo menos 20 peliculas de las que estan en la festival...

Y eso sin contar el "Tokyo Shock" que es parte del festival con 3 peliculas de Takeshi "Ichi the Killer" Miike.

Despues de mucho tiempo sin una buena representacion asiatica hay mas de 10 en este festival...

Diganme donde compro mi abono...

<> Festival Internacional de Cine Contemporaneo


Supersize this!

LAST February, Morgan Spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig.
His mission: To eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's and document the impact on his health.

Scores of cheeseburgers, hundreds of fries and dozens of chocolate shakes later, the formerly strapping 6-foot-2 New Yorker - who started out at a healthy 185 pounds - had packed on 25 pounds.

But his supersized shape was the least of his problems.

Y hizo un documental de todo esto para presentarlo en Sundance...

New York Post Online Edition: entertainment


Friday, January 23, 2004

TechTV | Free File: AVIcodec

Otro archivo de TechTV

If you're tired of constantly having Windows Media Player scold you for selecting an invalid media file, here's your chance to rectify things. AVIcodec is the best tool for finding and getting the proper video codec for Windows.

Contrary to popular belief, AVI is not a video format like MPEG 1 or 2. Instead, it's a file wrapper that includes multiple codec formats ranging from the tried and true Indeo format to the more sophisticated MPEG4 and DivX. The motivation behind the AVI format was shielding users from the dizzying array of video codecs currently in use. Instead of trying to find the correct codec and player to view a specific video file format, everything could be wrapped up in the AVI. If the codec wasn't present, the player, in this case Windows Media player, would go online and find and download the correct codec. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, as you may well know, and you're stuck with a 150MB movie file you can't play because you lack the codec.

That's where AVIcodec comes in. Now all you have to do is select the troublesome file and you'll instantly be presented with all pertinent information about the codec(s). If you lack the codec, just click on the Web button next to the file type, video codec type, or audio codec type, and AVIcodec will pull up a page from which you can locate and download the necessary files. As an added bonus, AVIcodec will give you a list of all currently installed codecs on your system.

TechTV | Free File: AVIcodec


TechTV | Free File: Fontifier

Liga de TechTV. Un servicio gratuito para hacer que tener tu letra a mano en la computadora como font.


Liga directa a Fontifier:
Liga a TechTV:
TechTV | Free File: Fontifier


Thursday, January 22, 2004

Ananova - Woman to have 12 stone tumour removed

Photoshop? Espero que si... freaks me out

A woman is to undergo an operation to remove a giant tumour that weighs almost twice her normal body weight.

Lucica Bunghez, 46, will be operated on by a team of Romanian and US doctors at Floreasca Hospital in Bucharest next week.

The Discovery Channel agreed to foot the bill for the £250,000 cost of the operation in exchange for the film rights.

Ms Bunghez, whose normal body weight without the 12 stone tumour is just under seven stone, suffers from the rare genetic disease Von Recklinghausen's Disease.

The tumour, which first appeared in her back region, now covers most of her body, Romanian media reported.

The largest tumour ever removed by surgery weighed 14 stone and was taken from an American woman in an operation performed at a hospital in Chicago in 1998.

The woman survived the operation and is now reported to be living a full and healthy life.

suffers from the rare genetic disease Von Recklinghausen's Disease. Espero que no sea primo del Baron Munchausen...

Ananova - Woman to have 12 stone tumour removed


Without Sanctuary

Una galleria de linchamientos en Estados Unidos, con pequeñas descripciones de los sucesos


Bennie Simmons, alive, soaked in coal oil before being set on fire. June 13, 1913. Anadarko, Oklahoma.

Gelatin silver print. Real photo postcard. 31/4 x 5 in.

Etched into negative, "Edies Photo Anadarko Oklo"

Without Sanctuary


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

bodyperks (tm) - nipple enhancers

Me asusta un poco vivir en un mundo que desarrolla un producto como los body perks.

Que es un bodyperk?

En corto, unos pezones de plastico para dar la apariencia de que: a) la persona esta excitada, b) hace frio y c) mirenme los pezones maldita sea!!

y tambien lo tienen en "mocha"

Idea maquiavelica numero 1533...

Formar una empresa que haga de este tipo de productos y hacer acuerdos con firmas de abogados en Estados Unidos para testificar en casos de acoso sexual...

"No le estaba viendo los pechos para molestarla, simplemente estaba preguntandome como si estaba usando unos BodyperksTM"

bodyperks (tm) - nipple enhancers


Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Edward Burtynsky

Otra serie de fotos de que cuando el hombre destruye a la naturaleza tambien puede ser bello.

Edward Burtynsky


Mazda Transformer

Animacion de un coche mazda, que si existe hasta que se convierte en un autobot...


Friday, January 16, 2004

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan sumo star weds

No queria hacer comentarios como "Hombre gigante, mujer pequeña..." pero son inevitables.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan sumo star weds


Thursday, January 15, 2004

Historia Migratoria

guest link

Dale Hobbin Hersh, de 52 años, capitán del vuelo AA907, que llegó a Sao Paulo procedente de Miami, fue detenido por la Policía Federal, que lo acusó de desacato a la autoridad por hacer un gesto obsceno

Soy el unico, o el hecho de que sea piloto de "American" Airlines es bastante ironico...

solo me quiero imaginar si hubiera sido un piloto brasileño en Estados Unidos...

El Universal Online


Nature Photo Gallery

Buenas fotos de la naturaleza haciendo de las suyas.


Photo Gallery


Magnum no estaba tan equivocado...

Nota de un periodico hindu.

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Police in northern India are being paid an extra 65 cents a month to grow a mustache to give them more authority, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Mayank Jain, a superintendent with the Madhya Pradesh state police, told The Asian Age that research showed that police with mustaches were taken more seriously.

However, he added, the shape and style of police mustaches would be monitored to ensure they did not take on a mean look.

a mean look?

Yahoo! News - Mustache Means Money, Authority for Police



Un sitio con un par de imagenes que muestran a los lideres mundiales como... angeles.


Free Press International - What's The Deal Mainstream Media? .....Developing


Linguists of the world unite!!

Este es un buen experimento. Este sitio es acerca de acentos. Tiene una frase en ingles, y le pide a la gente de diversas partes del mundo que la lean para ver el acento que tienen.

y es bastante especifico, tanto que para Japon tiene a una persona de Tokio, Kofu, Kawasaki y Osaka.

existe una entrada para Mexico, de una chava poblana.

Tambien se pueden contribuir por si quieren participar en el proyecto.

speech accent archive


Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Behold the Pig-man!!!!

Pigs grown from fetuses into which human stem cells were injected have surprised scientists by having cells in which the DNA from the two species is mixed at the most intimate level.

Esta es la entrada del articulo de New Scientist que describe los resultados de combinar celulas de hombre y de cerdo. Y que demonios significa "at the most intimate level"...

The adult pigs that had received human stem cells as fetuses were found to have pig cells, human cells and the hybrid cells in their blood and organs.

"What we found was completely unexpected. We found that the human and pig cells had totally fused in the animals' bodies," said Jeffrey Platt, director of the Mayo Clinic Transplantation Biology Program.

Deberian de dar un curso de redaccion a los cientificos... y prohibir las palabras "completely unexpected" del vocabulario... especialmente cuando se esta tratando de genetica con celulas humanas y animales...

el resto del articulo en la liga:

New Scientist


Friday, January 09, 2004

ScienceDaily News Release: U.S. Teens More Overweight Than Youth In 14 Other Countries

For your information

Children from the United States were the most likely to be overweight. Among 13-year-old boys in the U.S., 12.6 percent were overweight. Among 13-year-old girls, 10.8 percent were overweight. For U.S. 15 year olds, 13.9 percent of boys were overweight, and 15.1 percent of girls were overweight.

Among the other countries taking part in the study, Greece had the next highest proportion of overweight 13-year-old boys, at 8.9 percent, followed by Ireland, at 7 percent. Portugal had the next highest proportion of overweight 13-year-old girls, at 8.3 percent, followed by Ireland, at 6.6 percent.

After the U.S., Greece had the next highest proportion of overweight 15-year-old boys, at 10.8 percent, followed by Israel, at 6.8 percent. For 15-year-old girls, Portugal had the next highest proportion of overweight, at 6.7 percent, followed by Denmark, at 6.5 percent.

Of all the countries that took part in the study, Lithuania had the lowest proportion of overweight, at 1.8 percent in 13-year-old boys, 2.6 percent in 13-year-old girls, .08 percent in 15-year-old boys, and 2.1 percent in 15-year-old girls.

ScienceDaily News Release: U.S. Teens More Overweight Than Youth In 14 Other Countries


David Crawford - SMS

En las propias palabras de David Crawford:

The “Stop Motion Studies” are a series of experimental documentaries that chronicle my interaction with subway passengers in cities around the world. The aim of the project is to create an international character study based on the aspects of identity that emerge.

Pequeñas stop motions de varios metros del mundo. Groovy if you like that sort of thing

David Crawford - SMS


We can make him better, we have the technology

Aparte del hombre bionico, existe otro de mis momentos favoritos del gobierno americano haciendo cosas "cientificas" que resultan absurdas, pero muy divertidas.

En este caso,

These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD -- part of a test conducted by the US government during it's dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950's. The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him.

First drawing is done 20 minutes after the first dose (50ug)

An attending doctor observes - Patient chooses to start drawing with charcoal.

The subject of the experiment reports - 'Condition normal... no effect from the drug yet'.

Esta es la primera en una serie de nueve...

click the link... you know you want to...

Acid trip 1


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Patron Saints Index: Saint Isidore of Seville

Otra vez se vuelve relevante la pagina de guia de Santos. ( y para buscar esta liga me tuve que chutar todos los archivos de mi blog... necesito movable type?)

El buen Santo Isidoro de Sevilla Santo Patrono de la Internè:

Also known as
Isidore the Bishop; Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages
4 April
Son of Severianus and Theodora, known for their piety. Brother of Saint Fulgentius, Saint Florentina, and Saint Leander of Seville, who raised him after their father's death. Initially a poor student, he gave the problem over to God and became one of the most learned men of his time. Priest. Helped his brother Leander, archbishop of Seville, in the conversion the Visigoth Arians. Hermit.

Archbishop of Seville c.601, succeeding his brother to the position. Teacher, founder, reformer. Required seminaries in every diocese, wrote a rule for religious orders. Prolific writer including a dictionary, an encyclopedia, a history of Goths, and a history of the world beginning with creation. Completed the Mozarabic liturgy which is still in use in Toledo, Spain. Presided at the Second Council of Seville, and the Fourth Council of Toledo. Introduced the works of Aristotle to Spain.

Proclaimed Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIV in 1722, and became the leading candidate for patron of computer users and the Internet in 1999.

Corrijanme si me equivoco... pero eso de que era un mal estudiante hasta que Dios lo ilumino... me suena a que alguien bajo de la consciencia de Dios algunas tareas... Realmente es el santo patrono de la internet...

Patron Saints Index: Saint Isidore of Seville

y para a los que se les fue la primera vez:

Santa Patrona de la Televisiòn. Bella historia. Amiga personal de Francisco de Asis, Santa Clara, en ese entonces conocida solamente como Clara... claro, se encuentra indispuesta para ir a misa a causa de la enfermedad. Pero y de ahi le viene lo santa, a travès de un cuadro que se forma en en la pared de su cuarto le permite ver la misa a distancia. Transmisiòn en vivo y directo en el siglo XIII.

Santa Clara

si quieren checar mas santos patronos. De hecho hay uno para cada cosa. Incluyendo a los lunaticos y los anorexicos:



Small Stories

Uno de los mejores artistas del comic en internet es el coreano Derek Kirk Kim.

Este es uno de sus mejores mini comics.

para leer la historia completa en forma horizontal ir a esta liga:

Small Stories - The 10 Commandments of Simon

Otros comics recomendables de Kim:

una historia que demuestra sus habilidades narrativas ( y es malditamente buena!)
same difference

y dandole un poco a la fantasia escapista:

Duncan's Kingdom


iPod Mini

Mas imagenes del iPod mini

iPod Mini


Japanese IT businesses turn to Gods to ward off viruses, hackers

At the Kanda Myojin shrine in downtown Tokyo, IT businesses and the nearby electronic shops association of Akihabara have gathered to purify their computers and protect them from common electronic evils.

For most, that meant warding off computer viruses and hackers.

"I work in software development and we faced many threats such as computer viruses and hackers, and if our computers breakdown we can't work anymore. So that is why it's important to me to pray for a year of safe business," said 30-year old Katsutoshi Honma whose computer was blessed according to the ancient Shinto traditions.

He, like many others, feel even the best anti-viral software and security measures are not enough to beat what has quickly become the bane of life with a computer, after an e-mail spam.

Japan, like many other industrialised nations, was hit badly by a plethora of viruses in 2003 such as the Slammer and Blaster viruses.

And according to the Japanese National Police Agency, the nation's computer network sees an average of 35,000 cyber attacks (including virus and hackers) a month.

For many computer users and sellers, it's matter of good business to safeguard themselves in any way possible.

"We've organised these ceremonies here at the Kanda Myojin to bless for one year those computers and those who do business with computers," said Yumi Yamaga, who represented the electronic retail shop owners of Akihabara.

In that very district, they also organised the distribution of good luck charms in the hope that consumers would feel comfortable buying one or two laptops. - CNA


Japan to tighten law against highly speculative funds: report

Otra de esas notas que me hace pensar que estoy en el pais equivocado...

TOKYO, : Japan plans to tighten laws to regulate mushrooming highly speculative funds which deal in commodities such as the popularity of pinup girls and real estate prices, according to a newspaper report.

Some investors, tired of Japan's ultra-low interest rates, ended up losing their retirement savings in portfolios linked to foreign exchange fluctuations, which are not regulated under any domestic law.

Capital ventures have recently sold a fund on upcoming pinup girls in which dividend will be paid based on the level of their popularity. Other funds include betting on real estate prices and rent income as well as the success of a drama troupe

Especulacion financiera basada en el exito de personajes de la cultura popular... Necesito unos yenes.


Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Apple - iPod - iPod mini

El nuevo mini ipod de Apple...

looks nice, aunque los colors son demasiado Rainbow Brite para mi...

Apple - iPod - iPod mini


Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? - Quizilla

Merry??? bueno pudo haber sido peor... Y digo la vida de los hobbits tampoco es muy desagradable...

Congratulations! You're Merry!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? - Quizilla


Compraria cocaina de esta viejita??

Grandmother 'was drugs mastermind'

Eileen Cresswell, 63, of Chequers Road, Gloucester, organised couriers to travel to the West Indies and bring back cocaine in their shoes, Bristol Crown Court was told.

The gang allegedly conspired to smuggle £250,000 of the class A drug into the UK.

BBC NEWS | England | Gloucestershire | Grandmother 'was drugs mastermind'


Saturday, January 03, 2004

Clutter Nyt

En su totalidad el articulo del New York Times acerca de gente que acumula tantas cosas dentro de sus casas, hasta ser un peligro para ellos mismos.

The cases never cease to fascinate: reclusive people trapped by their own accumulations, in rooms made unlivable by floor-to-ceiling heaps of newspapers, books and saved objects — from twist ties to grand pianos.

Some pass into legend, like the Collyer brothers, "the hermit hoarders of Harlem," who in 1947 were buried by the piles of urban junk that filled their four-story Harlem brownstone. But even less extreme examples, like that of the Bronx man rescued on Monday after being trapped for two days under an avalanche of magazines and catalogs, haunt the public imagination.

Such compulsive hoarding is being recognized as a widespread behavioral disorder, one that is particularly acute in cities like New York, where space is at a premium. The pack rat behavior ranges from egregious cases that endanger lives to more commonplace collecting that resonates with anyone who has ever stacked magazines to read later or bought more shoes than the closet will hold.

One woman, for example, found throwing out a newspaper so unbearable that her therapist instructed her never to buy one again. Another could not pass a newsstand without thinking that one of the myriad periodicals on sale contained some bit of information that could change her life.

And a third, trying to explain why she had bought several puppets that she did not want or need from a television shopping channel, spoke of feeling sorry for the toys when no one else bid on them.

The emotional investment that goes into hoarding makes it much harder to overcome than landlords or housing court judges often understand, said Randy O. Frost, a professor of psychology at Smith College in Northampton, Mass., and a national authority on the disorder who helped a group of medical, legal and social service agencies establish the New York City Task Force on Hoarding a year ago.

Similar groups exist in a dozen places, Dr. Frost said, including Seattle, Ottawa, Fairfax County, Va., and Dane County, Wis.

"I don't know if it's more of a problem in the city than elsewhere, but certainly the limited amount of space makes it come to a head," Dr. Frost added. "Most of this new attention is not coming from the mental health side of things, because many people with this problem don't seek help. It's coming from the housing side and services to the elderly."

Landlords, and lawyers and social workers who deal with elderly tenants, are often among the first to confront the problem.

Toby Golick, a clinical-law professor at Cardozo Law School, described the case of an elderly Manhattan man who rescued broken toys, discarded toasters and dilapidated umbrellas from the street until even his kitchen and bathroom were too crammed for use. The situation came to light only when the landlord could not squeeze in to fix a leaky faucet.

"He picked up things that he thought people were throwing away and still had life," said Ms. Golick, a founder of the hoarding task force, which will hold its second conference at Cardozo on Jan 21. "He was very upset that this was a disposable society and that people were very quick to disregard things of value."

In the end, she said, Cardozo's legal clinic prevented the man's eviction by working patiently with him on a compromise: the bathroom and kitchen would be cleared, and passageways tunneled through the piles of treasured junk in the other rooms. The turning point had been finding a resale shop that would accept some items, so the man would not have to throw them away.

Like the elderly tinkerer, the Bronx man, Patrice Moore, 43, saw treasure where others saw mainly trash. Interviewed yesterday at St. Barnabas Hospital, where he was recovering from leg injuries suffered when his collection collapsed on him, he said he might sue the landlord over the loss of comic books and articles from the 1980's about his favorite entertainer, Michael Jackson.

"I had to squeeze inside my apartment," he said of his 10-by-10-foot room, which rents for $250 a month. "I don't know how I lived that way. The problem was, I never got a storage space."

In one sense, Dr. Frost agreed, space makes the difference between eccentricity and pathology.

"People can collect and not throw things away without it really being a problem if they have the space and can organize it," he said. "It's only a pathology when it interferes with their functioning."

Pathological hoarding can affect people of all ages, and it seems to be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder, added Dr. Frost, who has researched the problem for a decade and recently received a grant to develop a model treatment to be tested on about 40 subjects at the Institute of Living in Hartford and at Boston University.

There are three facets to the problem, he said: enormous emotional difficulty throwing things away; compulsive acquisition — sometimes by buying things, but often by picking them up for free — and a high level of disorganization and clutter.

Many of the people afflicted seem to be unusually intelligent, he said. "They see more connections between things, which leads them to value those things much more than the rest of us do. "

But they also have difficulty finding conventional categories for the information they collect. Instead, they tend to organize their homes by visual or spatial cues — they might locate an electric bill, for example, on the left-hand side of a pile six inches deep, rather than where bills are filed.

This taxes their memory, so they tend to want to leave everything out in plain sight, piled in the middle of the room.

"They have to remember where everything is," explained Dr. Frost. "The rest of us only have to remember our system."

Equally important is their tendency to attach emotional significance to a wider variety of things. "For some it has to do with identity," he said. "I've had people tell me, `If I throw too much away, there'll be nothing left of me.' Almost like a Midas touch — if something comes into my ownership, it's part of me."

Finally, the psychologist said, "throwing something away makes them feel unsafe." The sense of security and comfort that most people feel in the familiar surroundings of home, hoarders may feel only when hemmed in by a nest of debris.

But there was no room for sentiment at the two-story brick apartment building on Morris Avenue in the Bronx from which police, firefighters and other city emergency workers extracted Mr. Moore. A man who would identify himself only as the landlord's brother said that he had stuffed Mr. Moore's trove of paper in garbage bags and stashed it in a back room for the night.

"Tomorrow is trash day," he said.


monochrom Brandmarker

An attempt to evaluate the actual power of brands by making Austrian people draw a total of twelve logos (nine international, three typically European) from memory, 25 people per brand. Salut, share of mind!

monochrom Brandmarker


Images of Japan by Olga Dmitrieva

Olga Dimitrieva es de esas fotografas que hace parecer que cualquier momento en Japón es digno de una fotografía excelente:

Images of Japan by Olga Dmitrieva


Friday, January 02, 2004

La mega lista

Una megalista de los mejores de 2003, ya sean personas, discos, peliculas, libros, automobiles....

la lista sigue, y sigue.

Es una recopilacion de listas de "los mejores de..."

(((oooo))) Feeding Time


Dolby Surrender: ¿Quien invento la Navidad?

La premisa es la siguiente: A principios del año pasado, te golpeaste la cabeza, cayendo en un coma tipo "The Bride" de Kill Bill, solo para despertar esta semana.

Tu coleccion de musica estuvo en pausa, y para ayudarte existe Dolby Surrender con su conteo de los mejores discos del 2003. Obviamente es solo su opinion.

Pero un hombre sabio una vez dijo: " Un hombre sabio sabe seguir los consejos de alguien mas Sabio".

lo anterior tambien aplica a mujeres.

Asi que visiten y dejen comentarios!

el hecho de que sea mi twin blogger no tiene nada que ver en los elogios... bueno tal vez un poco.

Dolby Surrender: ¿Quien invento la Navidad?


Baby Vaporizer!

Vicks tiene que repensar el nombre del producto, a menos que realmente haya un mercado para un vaporizador de bebes... Yo me inclinaria por un Vaporizador de gente que habla en el cine...


The Art of the Apology

Como si y como no disculparse... una pequeña guia:

I'm sorry I was such a pain in the ass. (self-pitying exaggeration)
I'm sorry I yelled at you. (better)

I'm sorry I ruined our whole day. (vague exaggeration)
I'm sorry I lost my temper in front of your friends. (better)

I'm sorry. I just suck at this stuff. (vague self-pity)
I'm sorry I wasn't communicating with you very well about how I was feeling. (better)

I'm sorry I can't do anything right. (self-pitying, vague exaggeration)
I'm sorry I ruined your shirt by drying it on "Hot". (better)

Cuando cortar una disculpa, y dejar detalles para otra ocasion:

I'm sorry that I snapped at you. (good)
I'm sorry I snapped at you because you were talking so much. (not so good)

I'm sorry I was being so impatient with you. (good)
I'm sorry I was being impatient with you when you were being so indecisive. (not so good)

I'm sorry I spilled milk on the counter and didn't clean it up. (good))
I'm sorry I spilled milk on the counter, but you shouldn't have startled me like that. (not so good)

kimberly_a: The Art of the Apology


Google Zeitgeist

Los resultados de las busquedas mas populares de 2003 para google.

Búsquedas populares
Oct. - Nov. 2003
1. gran hermano

2. halloween

3. el mundo

4. orlando bloom

5. real madrid

6. la caixa

7. telecinco

8. matrix

9. disney

10. barcelona

para mas resultados consultar:

Google Zeitgeist


Japan the year in review

un conteo regresivo de las historias mas japanoramas de año.

No.10: Japanese sex jaunt sparks Chinese fury

Claims that over 400 men from an Osaka-based construction company hired hundreds of Chinese prostitutes to carry out a three-day orgy timed to coincide with the September anniversary of Japan's 1931 invasion of China highlighted continued public flogging of Japan this year.

Japan's Top Stories of 2003 -- No. 9: Panawave sparks paranoia

Paranoia gripped Japanese residents in April when the bizarre Panawave Laboratory group appeared and took over a stretch of road in Gifu Prefecture, covering up crash barriers and roadside trees with huge white cloths.

Members of the mysterious organization, who dressed themselves entirely in white, and wore surgical masks, claimed that electromagnetic waves were causing catastrophic environmental destruction that would destroy the earth on May 15.

They claimed that they had to wear white clothes and cover their fleet of vehicles with white sheets to protect themselves and their ailing leader, Yuko Chino, from the waves.

Japan's Top Stories of 2003 -- No. 8: SARS scares unmask nation's health fears

When deadly severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) began claiming lives overseas, Japanese consumers who were worried about an outbreak in Japan scrambled to buy facemasks to protect themselves.

Japan's Top Stories of 2003 -- No. 7: Chinese students slay Fukuoka family of four

After initially hinting that he and his friends Wang and Yang had been coerced into helping dispose of the Matsumotos' bodies, Wei told his trial at the Fukuoka District Court that they had acted alone and the killing resulted because they had botched their planned robbery of the apparently wealthy family.

Wei has also told investigators that he and his co-accused deliberately tried to make it appear as though the Matsumoto family had been caught up in a gangland slaying.

Involvement of the three overseas students has, for many Japanese, come to symbolize what they see as a Chinese-inspired crime wave in Japan.

No. 6: 'It's me, send money' frauds plague residents

Telephone scammers who impersonated people's relatives then asked them for money for fictitious expenses raked in millions of yen in 2003.

Targeting mostly elderly people who were estranged from their offspring, the malicious fraudsters typically used a ruse that went something like as follows:

Scammer: "Hi, Mom, it's me."

Victim: "Who's this?"

Scammer: "It's me, Mom, me."

Victim: "...Taro?"

Scammer: "Yeah, that's right. Mom, I've been in a car accident and I don't have any money. I need you to deposit 2 million yen into my bank account ..."

No. 5: Best and brightest on rape rampage

Shinichiro Wada was a minor celebrity among students at Tokyo's top universities for being something of an entrepreneur extraordinaire who ran slick parties, dabbled in publishing and reaped a small fortune while still on the books as a full-time student at posh Waseda University.

It was something of a shock, then, when Wada was arrested for rape on June 19 together with four of his buddies from Super Free, the student group they had turned into a lucrative business.

They were accused of plying a 19-year-old girl who attended a Super Free-run party with so much alcohol she was virtually senseless, taking her out to a dark building stairwell where they each alternated between keeping lookout and debauching her.

In the wake of the arrests, dozens of women who'd been terrified at what had happened to them after attending Super Free events came forward and also claimed to have to have raped.

No. 4: Tigers win first title in 18 years

At the start of the season, most baseball fans were skeptical when Hanshin Tigers manager Senichi Hoshino pledged to help the hapless Kansai club win the Central League championship.

In 2003, however, Tiger fans saw their dream come true when the club clinched the league title.

No. 3: Hideki Matsui stars in MLB rookie season

Baseball fans across Japan were expecting Hideki Matsui to spend this year slugging it out with the likes of Barry Bonds during his first year playing in the Major League.

No. 2: Nagasaki's 12-year-old killer

"Your mum and dad have already left. They have some urgent business to deal with. Let's catch up with them."

Four-year-old Shun Tanemoto, who was playing a videogame alone at a large retail shop in Nagasaki where he was visiting with his family on the night of July 1, did not doubt the word of an earnest-looking "young man" and hurriedly followed him out of the store.

Shun's naked body was found the following morning beside a multistory car park in the city, four kilometers away from the shop where he had last been seen.

Shun had been beaten, sexually assaulted and pushed over the top of the building with fatal results. Moreover, the nursery schoolboy's genitals were branded with a v-shape wound, apparently made by scissors.

Police initially suspected that an adult pedophile had kidnapped Shun and drove him to the car park, until they found security camera footage from a nearby shopping arcade showing a young-looking man walking with the 4-year-old.

The nation gasped in horror when police announced on July 9 that they had identified a 12-year-old junior high school boy as a prime suspect and took him into custody.

No. 1: SDF deployment to Iraq sparks controversy at home

Japan came to a turning point in its post-war defense policy when it decided in mid-December to dispatch Self-Defense Force (SDF) troops to help rebuild war-torn Iraq.

Apart from apprehension that the move breaches the Constitution, the hostile environment in Iraq has raised concern for the safety of the soldiers.

Critics have pointed out that the deployment runs counter to the spirit of the war-renouncing Constitution. They say Article 9 of the fundamental law that renounces war as a means to settle international disputes was enacted out of reflection of not only Japan's wartime aggression in Asia but also the wartime military government's practice of sacrificing a large number of Japanese soldiers under its militaristic policies.


Devil made me do it

OSAKA -- A West Japan Railway Co. conductor who claims to have been "possessed by a demon" faces punishment for smoking cigarettes on the train he was supposed to be helping operate, railway officials said Sunday.

"It was the first time I'd ever done something like this. I was possessed by a demon," the conductor, whose name has not been released, told the company.

JR West's spokesman said the conductor was caught smoking on the train on Friday afternoon.

A pedestrian at a railway crossing noticed the conductor taking several puffs on a cigarette. The pedestrian called JR West and alerted officials to the conductor's behavior.

Ok, un demonio lo obligo a fumar unos cigarrillos en el trabajo... pero quien obligo al transeunte a delatarlo...

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