Patron Saints Index: Saint Isidore of Seville

Otra vez se vuelve relevante la pagina de guia de Santos. ( y para buscar esta liga me tuve que chutar todos los archivos de mi blog... necesito movable type?)
El buen Santo Isidoro de Sevilla Santo Patrono de la Internè:
Also known as
Isidore the Bishop; Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages
4 April
Son of Severianus and Theodora, known for their piety. Brother of Saint Fulgentius, Saint Florentina, and Saint Leander of Seville, who raised him after their father's death. Initially a poor student, he gave the problem over to God and became one of the most learned men of his time. Priest. Helped his brother Leander, archbishop of Seville, in the conversion the Visigoth Arians. Hermit.
Archbishop of Seville c.601, succeeding his brother to the position. Teacher, founder, reformer. Required seminaries in every diocese, wrote a rule for religious orders. Prolific writer including a dictionary, an encyclopedia, a history of Goths, and a history of the world beginning with creation. Completed the Mozarabic liturgy which is still in use in Toledo, Spain. Presided at the Second Council of Seville, and the Fourth Council of Toledo. Introduced the works of Aristotle to Spain.
Proclaimed Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIV in 1722, and became the leading candidate for patron of computer users and the Internet in 1999.
Corrijanme si me equivoco... pero eso de que era un mal estudiante hasta que Dios lo ilumino... me suena a que alguien bajo de la consciencia de Dios algunas tareas... Realmente es el santo patrono de la internet...
Patron Saints Index: Saint Isidore of Seville
y para a los que se les fue la primera vez:
Santa Patrona de la Televisiòn. Bella historia. Amiga personal de Francisco de Asis, Santa Clara, en ese entonces conocida solamente como Clara... claro, se encuentra indispuesta para ir a misa a causa de la enfermedad. Pero y de ahi le viene lo santa, a travès de un cuadro que se forma en en la pared de su cuarto le permite ver la misa a distancia. Transmisiòn en vivo y directo en el siglo XIII.
Santa Clara
si quieren checar mas santos patronos. De hecho hay uno para cada cosa. Incluyendo a los lunaticos y los anorexicos:
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