Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Behold the Pig-man!!!!

Pigs grown from fetuses into which human stem cells were injected have surprised scientists by having cells in which the DNA from the two species is mixed at the most intimate level.

Esta es la entrada del articulo de New Scientist que describe los resultados de combinar celulas de hombre y de cerdo. Y que demonios significa "at the most intimate level"...

The adult pigs that had received human stem cells as fetuses were found to have pig cells, human cells and the hybrid cells in their blood and organs.

"What we found was completely unexpected. We found that the human and pig cells had totally fused in the animals' bodies," said Jeffrey Platt, director of the Mayo Clinic Transplantation Biology Program.

Deberian de dar un curso de redaccion a los cientificos... y prohibir las palabras "completely unexpected" del vocabulario... especialmente cuando se esta tratando de genetica con celulas humanas y animales...

el resto del articulo en la liga:

New Scientist

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