Friday, February 27, 2004

Ex-Leader of Japan Cult Sentenced to Death in Gas Attack

Shoko Asahara, the former leader of the religious cult that released deadly sarin gas into the Tokyo subway in 1995, was found guilty today of directing the attack and other crimes after an eight-year trial. He was sentenced to death.

Yo siempre pense que Asahara se parecia a la evil version de un compañero de prepa. Dan Miyamoto, where are you??



Rare 1968 TV Highlights

Martin Luther King :"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for what is right."

Acervo de momentos de television de 1968 de Estados Unidos

Rare 1968 TV Highlights


Thursday, February 26, 2004


Una de mis nuevas paginas favoritas. La seccion de Reason dedicada a noticias absurdas o cronicas de la estupidez humana.


The House Is On Fire (2/24)
Firefighters in Sallaumine, France, were concerned their station might be closed because there were too few calls. So they allegedly recruited teenagers to start fires so they could have more work. They are suspected of involvement in as many as 15 fires.


y si quieren leer la nota completa de los bomberos Sallauminos:



Musica hecha con un Gameboy, cortesia del Gameboy Music club:

The Gameboy Music Club is an initiative of the Spielgemeinschaft GB Vienna. They play using the music programs nanoloop and little sound DJ. For this, Nintendo's Gameboy (TM) is used as an instrument. The Spielgemeinschaft GB Vienna are a group of players who are enthused over micromusic and whose aim is to create an easy access to the endless world of today's (contemporary) music for everybody. New players (amateurs and professionals of any age) are always welcome to the Spielgemeinschaft GB Vienna who have are not
restrictive about using other toy consoles besides the mini game console Gameboy (TM).

el gameboy amarillo es la liga a unos mp3s que se pueden bajar.



C A S S H E R N . C O M

Una de mis principales quejas del cine japones era, que con los avances tecnologicos que tienen las firmas japonesas, estas no las aprovechan al maximo. De las unicas excepciones son los videos musicales de algunos artistas. Entre estos esta Utada Hikaru. Asi que cuando su esposo y director de sus videos dirije una pelicula...

hay que ver que hace

la pelicula es la secuela de una seria de animacion de los 70's.

el corto se ve bastante prometedor

C A S S H E R N . C O M


China International Adult Toys & Reproductive Health Exhibition 2004

Del 6 al 8 de Agosto es la exhibition de salud reproductiva y juguetes sexuales en Shangai.

With the economic development today Chinese people begin to pay more attention to the quality of their daily life including sex and reproductive health. A civilized, healthy and happy life has already been the realm of necessity that the Chinese mass cherishes.
  The time of being shocked at the mention of sex or regarding sex as an evil has gone by. Now in China, the civilized sexual concept has widely prevailed . Aboomingadult toy sand reproductive health care market to 1.3 billion population, with incomparable scale, increasing trend and development potential, has come into being while sex has become one of the most popular topics for public discussion. Data pertinent to the current national sales volume of sex health care products shows that the latest annual turnover has exceeded RMB100 billion in 2003, and the rate of increase is approximately at 30%. At present China's adult toys market has entered an independent, professional and international new stage especially after China's participation in WTO.

  To meet the need of industrial development, the professional sex health care organization-China Sexual Medical & Health Care Professional Committee, together with the largest exhibition organizer-China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation, decide to cooperate and play allied multifunctional role and to make Adult Expo China the largest and the most authoritative international trade event. From August 6 th to 8 th 2004 in Shanghai, the famous metropolis known as Oriental Paris, a most influential trade fair will be held. Shanghai, one of the most advanced and open metropolises in China, contains a large proportion of over 30% in sex and reproductive health care market in China. The incomparably convenient infrastructure including traffic, entertainment, dining, commercial transaction, commercial buildings, commercial services, exhibition and conference facilities lays an excellent foundation for promotion of sex health care industrial development in China.

errores ortograficos de origen.

China International Adult Toys & Reproductive Health Exhibition 2004


DL Search Input Page

galeria de imagenes de Yale de finales del siglo 19 y principios del 20.

busqueda por palabras clave, asi que se pueden encontrar muchas cosas raras.

una imagen del acervo de imagenes

DL Search Input Page


Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - Polaroid warns buyers not to 'shake it' - Feb. 18, 2004

Polaroid le dice a sus clientes, que no le hagan caso a Andre "Ice Cold" 3000. Don't shake it like a polaroid picture:

OutKast fans like to "shake it like a Polaroid picture," but the instant camera maker is warning consumers that taking the advice of the hip-hop stars could ruin your snapshots.

OutKast's number one hit "Hey Ya" includes the "shake it" line as a reference to the motion that amateur photographers use to help along the self-developing film.

But in the "answers" section on the Polaroid Web site, the company says that shaking photos, which once helped them to dry, is not necessary since the modern version of Polaroid film dries behind a clear plastic window.

The image "never touches air, so shaking or waving has no effect," the company said on its site. "In fact, shaking or waving can actually damage the image. Rapid movement during development can cause portions of the film to separate prematurely, or can cause 'blobs' in the picture." - Polaroid warns buyers not to 'shake it' - Feb. 18, 2004


Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mitsubishi Electric Develops 'Reversible' LCD Showing Images on Its Surface, Back Side

No se bien porque, pero esto se me hace muy interesante.

Mitsubishi Electric Corp has developed a prototype LCD panel module called the "Reversible LCD" that can display images on both its surface and reverse side.

Mitsubishi Electric Develops 'Reversible' LCD Showing Images on Its Surface, Back Side


Dispension de Justicia en Mexico

La cronica de los sucesos y seguimiento del caso de Gerardo Sifuentes y Epigmenio Leon viene cortesia de Monorama cuenta esta verdadera historia de horror.

Aqui empezo todo:

Lo que sigue es una síntesis de la información que hasta ahora Alberto Chimal y yo hemos estado pegando sólo en el foro de ciencia ficción mexicana de Yahoo. La comparto aquí por su importancia:

Como ahora deben saber casi todos todos, nuestro amigo y colega Gerardo Sifuentes ha sido injusta y arbitrariamente encarcelado, junto con Epigmenio León —coordinador editorial del programa Tierra Adentro—, acusados de robo de autopartes.

Cualquiera que conozca superficialmente al "Chícharo" (como le llamamos los cuates) entenderá que se trata de una acusación absurda, nuestro camarada es ingeniero industrial titulado, con tres premios literarios nacionales y uno internacional, además de dos libros publicados y ser becario del FONCA en la categoría de jóvenes creadores.

La situación es muy difícil, pues como todos sabemos, en el sistema judicial mexicano el acusado es culpable hasta que se demuestra lo contrario.

Alberto Chimal y un servidor visitamos el reclusorio norte el sábado, intentando ponernos en contacto con Gerardo, cuando menos llevarle algo de comer (la comida allá adentro es inmunda) pero nos topamos de frente con un muro, real y metafórico, infranqueable.

Pepe Casanova, roomate del Chícharo, nos dijo que hay una audiencia este miércoles y que se dictará sentencia el viernes. El propio Pepe testificará en favor de Gerardo.

Queremos pensar que esta pesadilla terminará pronto, sin embargo, mientras ello sucede, el desgaste emocional y económico de la familia y los amigos ha sido muy fuerte.

Por lo pronto, van los datos puntuales y los hechos comprobados hasta ahora sobre el caso:

1. El pasado jueves 12, alrededor de las 3:00 de la mañana, ambos fueron detenidos en la esquina de Ures y Tehuantepec en la colonia Roma de la ciudad de México (la esquina de la casa de Gerardo).

2. Fueron detenidos por los agentes José Manuel Rentería Gallego y Raúl Flores Lunares, y se les imputa el robo de los espejos de un automóvil Cirrus gris, placas LWA-4003. El perito ha determinado que no iban en estado de ebriedad.

4. El mismo jueves, en la oficina del Ministerio Público de la calle de Álvaro Obregón, se les abrió la averiguación previa CUH-7/240/2004-2.

5. La noche del viernes, Gerardo y Epigmenio fueron trasladados al Reclusorio Norte de la ciudad de México. Los dos se encuentran detenidos allí en el área de ingreso.

6. Este miércoles 18 habrá una audiencia con el juez, en la que se presentarán pruebas en favor y en contra de los acusados.

7. Entendemos que el viernes 20 se debe dictar sentencia. En caso de ser absolutoria o no haber pruebas suficientes, Gerardo y Epigmenio saldrán libres.

Es importante esperar la resolución del juez antes de llevar el asunto a los medios; según la recomendación del propio abogado, el hacer demasiado ruido sobre el asunto precisamente ahora puede hacer más daño que bien a la causa de nuestros amigos.

Chimal y yo hemos pensado en organizar una colecta para apoyar a los Sifuentes, una familia encantadora, siempre dispuestos a recibir en Puebla a los amigos de Gerardo como amigos de la casa.

Ade Sifuentes, mamá de Gerardo, me dio el número de tarjeta Invermático (a nombre del Chícharo) en la que quienes quieran cooperar pueden depositar dinero.

Desgraciadamente ella no tenía el número de cuenta. A sugerencia de H. Pascal, no subo aquí el número para evitar que alguien haga mal uso de ese dato (si alguien sabe de cierto que el puro número de la tarjeta y el nombre del usuario no son suficientes para utilizarla, hágamelo saber).

En cuanto esté el número, sugiero que se hagan depósitos míninos de 200 varos y agradezco a todos los que han preguntado su interés en ayudar a nuestro amigo.

Por el momento es todo, pero pondremos cualquier nueva información aquí en cuanto la tengamos.


Alberto Chimal y Bef

pueden seguir el caso en monorama

El Independiente reporta:

El promotor cultural Epigmenio León, actualmente jefe de difusión del Programa Cultural Tierra Adentro del Conaculta, y el escritor Gerardo Sifuentes, becario del Fonca, quedaron formalmente presos desde el viernes pasado por robo agravado, según acto de formal prisión dictado por la juez Julia Ortiz Leandro del juzgado 42 del Reclusorio Norte.

Acusados por los policías Raúl Flores y José Manuel Rentería, adscritos a la delegación Cuauhtémoc, del robo de dos espejos de automóvil, crimen por el que según los oficiales “fueron detenidos en flagrancia” la madrugada del 12 de febrero pasado en la calle de Tehuantepec, entre Acayucan y Ures, en la colonia Roma. Los escritores se esforzaron por probar su inocencia pero a decir de sus familiares “nada le ha importado a la juez que forma parte del teatro del Programa de Tolerancia Cero y que le da entre dos mil y cuatro mil pesos a los policías que remitan a delincuentes en flagrancia”.

Según consta en la averiguación previa CUH-7T2/240/04-02, levantada en el Ministerio Público no. 3 de la Delegación Cuauhtémoc, León y Sifuentes, acusados de robo, el viernes 13 de febrero fueron trasladados al Reclusorio Norte, aproximadamente a las 22:00 hrs. El viernes 20 de febrero, la juez dictó auto de formal prisión por robo agravado “sin tomar en cuenta las declaraciones de testigos presenciales de la detención y vecinos que confirman que ellos iban caminando cuando la policía los interceptó y los subió a la patrulla”, relató el hermano de León.

“Si bien habían ingerido alcohol, ellos sólo iban caminando hacia la tienda y llegaron los policías y los subieron. Hay tres testigos, uno de ellos vive en la casa de Sifuentes y los otros son dos vecinos que vieron que la patrulla los subió sin nada en las manos”, dijo el escritor Carlos Oliva, premio Nacional de Ensayo José Revueltas 2003, quien ha estado al pendiente de lo que llama “un juicio amañado” y ya se encarga de redactar una carta dirigida a la presidenta del Conaculta Sari Bermúdez “para que dé seguimiento al proceso porque están inculpados de manera injusta dos miembros de la comunidad de escritores, uno de ellos trabajador del organismo que preside”.

Bef agrega:

Quiero agradecer a toda la gente que ha escrito para apoyar a Gerardo y Epigmenio, pidiendo que se incluya su nombre en la carta. También les ruego me disculpen por no poder contestar individualmente a todos. Les recuerdo que la cuenta donde pueden depositar su ayuda económica es la de ahorro Bancomer 1250578401 a nombre de Adriana Quijada Martín. No quiero asustarlos, pero creo que se van a necesitar varias decenas de miles de pesos.


PocketMac iPod

Un programa que mejora el iPod para los usuarios de Windows.

You see, all iPods have an under-exploited ability to store contacts, appointments, tasks, notes, and other personal information, making the iPod a great PDA, too.

PocketMac iPod EditionTM for Windows automatically converts and exports Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, and Email from Microsoft Outlook to the iPod. It will also reformat and copy Word documents to the iPod for viewing "on the road."

y tan solo por 30dlls.

PocketMac iPod | Call Toll Free 1-866-POCK-MAC

| - DesignTools

Reseña de HOW Desing de InDesign de Adobe, que contiene todos sus programas de diseño.

aunque momento triste:

After releasing InDesign CS, Adobe announced that it was discontinuing PageMaker—one of the first page-layout programs—and instead will offer Adobe InDesign CS PageMaker Edition, a $349 package that includes InDesign along with plug-ins designed to add PageMaker capabilities and a set of design templates. You'll also be able to download the plug-ins for $49. The edition is scheduled to ship by the end of March. (Speaking of discontinued products, Adobe also knifed LiveMotion, leaving it without a competitor to Macromedia Flash). - DesignTools


Victims Say Film on Molesters Distorts Facts

El filme Capturing the Friedmans es parte del Festival de Cine Contemporaneo de la Ciudad de Mexico.

"Capturing the Friedmans," the Oscar-nominated documentary that raises questions about the guilt of a father and son convicted of child molestation, is being criticized by six of their former victims, who say the film omitted or distorted important information about their cases.

The six are suggesting that the director, Andrew Jarecki, created more ambiguity than actually existed about the case both to heighten the dramatic impact of the film and to elicit sympathy for the Friedmans. The film tells the story of the disintegration of a seemingly average Long Island family after the father, Arnold Friedman, and son, Jesse, were accused of molesting children in computer classes they held in the basement of their Great Neck home in the 1980's.


The film, an Academy Award nominee for best documentary, has been critically praised and brought intense debate at screenings, in editorials and on talk shows about the Friedmans' guilt and whether the case showed failures of the justice system.

Both Arnold and Jesse Friedman pleaded guilty to dozens of counts of child molestation in 1988. Arnold Friedman committed suicide in prison. Jesse Friedman, 34, who served 13 years in prison before being released, recently submitted a motion in Nassau County Court to vacate his conviction, citing disclosures in the film about police evidence that could have helped his case. The court motion has angered former victims and their families who had not previously attacked the film, which was released last May.

Yo realmente pense que era un documental de otra cosa, y por alguna razon que tenia que ver con Krippendorf's Tribe, pelicula de Richard Dreyfuss en la cual el hace el papel de un director de documentales antropologicos de tribus desconocidas. Solo que para salvar sus becas, inventa una tribu, que consiste de su familia pintada como Nuevos Guineos.

Creo que he visto demasiado cine ultimamente trabajando como subtitulador, que aunque no hago coherencia, igual tengo que comentar.

New York Times


Animals on the Underground

El principo de la identificacion de las constelaciones es la misma...

solo que aplicada a las lineas del metro de Londres.


sigan la liga, para un pajaro, reno, ballena, etc.

Animals on the Underground


Grey Tuesday

El album gris, es una mezcla del album blanco de los Beattles y del album negro de Jay Z mezclados por Danger Mouse.

Hoy es Martes Gris:

Tuesday, February 24 will be a day of coordinated civil disobedience: websites will post Danger Mouse's Grey Album on their site for 24 hours in protest of EMI's attempts to censor this work.

DJ Danger Mouse created a remix of Jay-Z's the Black Album and the Beatles White Album, and called it the Grey Album. Jay-Z's record label, Roc-A-Fella, released an a capella version of his Black Album specifically to encourage remixes like this one. But despite praise from music fans and major media outlets like Rolling Stone ("an ingenious hip-hop record that sounds oddly ahead of its time") and the Boston Globe (which called it the "most creatively captivating" album of the year), EMI has sent cease and desist letters demanding that stores destroy their copies of the album and websites remove them from their site. EMI claims copyright control of the Beatles 1968 White Album.

aqui hay una lista de sitios que tendran el album completo:

Grey Tuesday

en un detalle relacionado, los posibles peores covers de los beattles

Mrs. Miller's Greatest Hits


Personal Submersible: Pat Regan - Nautilus Minisub

Un capitan Nemo de poca monta se ha construido su propio nautilus:

para mas imagenesy la historia completa:

Personal Submersible: Pat Regan - Nautilus Minisub


Monday, February 23, 2004

Pirate Image Archive

Galeria de imagenes de piratas... tengo que decir algo mas?

Pirate Image Archive


World66, the travel guide you write: visited countries

World66 tiene una pagina donde señalando los paises que has visitado, te da un mapa del resultado para que puedas ver, que te falta.

el mio.

World66, the travel guide you write: visited countries: "

create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide"

hmmm. Tengo que visitar proximamente Sudamerica. Especialmente ahora que he sido bloglinkeado por El Interactivo, si tienen curiosidad del mercado de tecnologia y comunicaciones con enfoque argentino, lo recomiendo. En especial respecto a WiFi gratuito. Es curioso como en Mexico hasta la fecha solo existe un proveedor grande de WiFi. Este siendo Telmex, de Carlos Slim.


Veer: Ideas: Lightboxing

Veer es una tienda Virtual de imagenes, ilustraciones y tipografias. Pero lo que realmente la distingue es su disponibilidad para tener un concurso de este tipo:

Lightboxing es una idea sencilla. Poner a dos diseñadores a competir para ver quien produce los mejores resultados con los mismo elementos.

Este mes:

This month, web design girl Jen Funk Segrest of Ohio square dances with web geek Nate Steiner of Georgia. And if that ain’t wholesome enough for you, get this: the theme this month is Country Song. We've given them each the same 6 hard-hitting visual elements for their design arsenal. It all comes down to skill - and the whims of our easily bribed judging panel. Ding!

y aqui estan las imagenes.

sigan la liga para ver quien gana. y que hacen con estas imagenes.

Veer: Ideas: Lightboxing


Calvin Coolidge Quotes - The Quotations Page

Otra cita de Quotations Online:

Calvin Coolidge Quotes - The Quotations Page: "No man ever listened himself out of a job.
Calvin Coolidge"


Turn your iMovies into DV paintings with Impressionist

No tengo una mac, ni he usado en mi vida iMovie... Pero este plug in suena muy interesante.

If you're looking for ways to make your digital videos unique, you may want to try out French developer Sebsofts' Impressionist, an iMovie plug-in that turns your DV clips into moving impressionist paintings, complete with the frame of your choice.

y el hecho de que sea un francès el que haya hecho el plug in no escapa mi sentido de la justicia.

Turn your iMovies into DV paintings with Impressionist


Friday, February 20, 2004

Bjork Bjork Bjork

Bjork fue descubierta viviendo en Salvador, Brazil con su novio, en preparacion del Carnaval, que dicen esta a la par del de Rio...

This year, Icelandic singer Bjork is expected to come along with her boyfriend, U.S. artist Matthew Barney, who has organized a special performance of the Cortejo Afro, a percussion street group, with musician Arto Lindsay

Yahoo! News - In Brazil's Carnival Stakes, Salvador Rivals Rio


Flying Pig Gallery - Paper automata, Free models to make, Design Technology Education

Flying Pig Gallery es un lugar donde venden paper automata y que son los paper automata???

Animated models for you to make.
A unique range of animated models for you to cut out and make. From Skiing Sheep to Ruminating Cows and of course the Flying Pig; all the models come complete with clear, fully illustrated instructions, just cut out and glue together!

Flying Pig Gallery - Paper automata, Free models to make, Design Technology Education


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Paris Journal: A Love That Transcends Death Is Blessed by the State

Como esta eso de que los gays no se pueden casar, pero si los vivos y los muertos???

PARIS, Feb. 18 — Christelle Demichel, 34, married a dead man last week.

She carried a bouquet of yellow roses and gleefully ducked rice after the ceremony in the Riviera city of Nice. About 40 people later attended her reception at a local restaurant where the Champagne bottles bore custom labels with the newlyweds' names. The only thing missing, besides a wedding cake, was the groom.

"I had what you can call a perfect wedding," Ms. Demichel said the next day, chain-smoking beside her new mother-in-law in a Paris café.

Yes, it is possible to marry the dearly departed in France, thanks to a law that turns the vow "till death do us part" on its head.

The law dates to December 1959, when the Malpasset Dam in southern France burst, inundating the town of Fréjus and claiming hundreds of lives. When de Gaulle visited the town a week later, a young woman named Irène Jodard pleaded with him to allow her to follow through on her marriage plans even though her fiancé had drowned.

"I promise, Mademoiselle, to think of you," de Gaulle was reported to have replied.

Later that month, Parliament drafted a law to permit Ms. Jodard to marry her deceased fiancé, André Capra. Hundreds of would-be widows and widowers have applied for post-mortem matrimony since then.

Anyone wishing to marry a dead person must send a request to the president, who then forwards it to the justice minister, who sends it to the prosecutor in whose jurisdiction the surviving person lives.

If the prosecutor determines that the couple planned to marry before the death and if the parents of the deceased approve, the prosecutor sends a recommendation back up the line. The president, if so moved, eventually signs a decree allowing the marriage.

In Ms. Demichel's case, the approval came on Dec. 22, more than year after a drunken driver struck and killed her fiancé, Eric Demichel, while he was riding his motorcycle home from work. She decided to wait until Feb. 10 to celebrate the wedding on what would have been his 30th birthday.

In a real-life rendition of "The Bride Wore Black," the title of a 1967 François Truffaut film, Ms. Demichel showed up at the ornate wedding room in Nice's town hall wearing a black pantsuit. An empty orange armchair represented the groom, and in place of his vows the mayor read the presidential decree.

There was no exchange of rings, although the mayor politely asked Ms. Demichel if she wanted to do something of the sort.

"It remained in the spirit of a wedding," Ms. Demichel said. "It wasn't `funeral No. 2.' "

The marriage is retroactive to the eve of the groom's demise, allowing Ms. Demichel to carry her husband's name and identify herself as a widow on France's plentiful bureaucratic forms.

She said the marriage was otherwise of purely sentimental value. In fact, to avoid abuses, the 1959 law bars such spouses from any inheritance as a result of their weddings. Posthumous nuptials can play a practical role if the woman left behind is pregnant, though, because children born after their father's death are considered heirs.

But the authorities are vigilant in preventing the law's exploitation. In one case a woman impregnated herself with her late boyfriend's sperm, only to have her request for marriage denied.

Ms. Demichel's lawyer said about 20 were approved each year. Ms. Demichel said that while most of the posthumous weddings were kept quiet, she had decided to go public with hers in the hope of helping other people who might not know that marrying their lost love one was an option.

Her mother-in-law, Jocelyne Demichel, said she had consented to the marriage because Ms. Demichel was the only woman with whom her son had ever wanted to start a family. "It's normal," she said, "that she carry his name."

Now Ms. Demichel is taking a few days off from her job as a police officer, though it is not exactly her honeymoon. She came to Paris to spend time with her mother-in-law, who was herself widowed several months ago. Then she will go back to live in the apartment in Nice where she keeps her husband's ashes in an urn in the bedroom.

"I have transcended death," Ms. Demichel said enthusiastically.

liga del New York Times, registro obligatorio.

Paris Journal: A Love That Transcends Death Is Blessed by the State


Quotes of the Day - The Quotations Page

Buena pagina de quotes diarios. Ejemplo:

The big thieves hang the little ones.
Czech Proverb

Quotes of the Day - The Quotations Page


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Barcode Yourself - Scott Blake

Una pagina en flash con la cual pueden sacar el codigo de barras que los represente.

Barcode Yourself - Scott Blake


The National Book Foundation

Stephen king fue galardonado con el National Book Award para contribuciones a las letras americanas. Esto irrito a varios criticos y deleito a varios autores comerciales que no ven tan lejano que lo comercial tambien sea galardonado.

Esta es una liga al discurso de aceptacion del premio. Y como todo buen escritor... le debe todo a su esposa.

looks innocent enough.

The National Book Foundation


hoojum store

Okie, si no eres maquero la mejor opcion siguiente es conseguirte uno de estos chasises para tu maquina:

Hoojum Store


The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia

Existe una teoria, en la cual Kevin Bacon es el centro del universo del cine. Y muchos dicen que del universo.

Para probar el oraculo, le pregunto que calculara el numero Bacon de Pedro Infante.

The Oracle says: Pedro Infante has a Bacon number of 3.

Pedro Infante was in Escuela de rateros (1958) with Eduardo Fajardo
Eduardo Fajardo was in !Viva la muerte... tua! (1971) with Eli Wallach
Eli Wallach was in Mystic River (2003) with Kevin Bacon

quien hubiera pensado que Kevin Bacon y Pedro Infante estaban tan cerca.

UVA Computer Science: The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

EXTRABAD | We Are Robots

7 Robots, y uno por venir, que nos cuentan sus neuroticos problemas.

flash site

EXTRABAD | We Are Robots


{Gum Blondes}

Que pasa cuando decides expresar tu arte atraves de chicle?

Y elijes representar solo a gueras.

Gum Blondes is what happens:

flash site.

{Gum Blondes}


Monday, February 16, 2004

Barbie & Ken Breakup After 43 Years: Did Her Sexual Dysfunction Play a Role?

Un post algo tarde a proposito. Ken y Barbie. Kaput! no more! adios!

la historia:
Ken and Barbie to split
Toy maker Mattel has announced Ken and Barbie, the Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward of the doll world, have split after four decades of ageless romance.

Amid rumours of another man in Barbie's life, Mattel's vice-president of marketing, Russell Arons, says Ken and Barbie feel it is "time to spend some quality time apart".

"In the [autumn], you may see another guy show up," Mr Arons said, while adding that the once-perfect couple remained "good friends".

The announcement provided a quirky twist to the old adage of any publicity being good publicity, at a time when Barbie's dominant position in the doll market is looking vulnerable.

While worldwide gross sales for Mattel brands reflected 2 per cent growth in the fourth quarter, Barbie brand sales slid 5 per cent, and 25 per cent domestically.

Since vamping up the store shelves in 1959 with her buxom chest, tiny waist and slender hips, more than one billion Barbie dolls have been sold in 150 countries, as well as a plethora of associated merchandise including Barbie's famous pink cars and campervan.

Ken arrived on the scene in 1961.

Ken and Barbie to split. 13/02/2004. ABC News Online

un poco mas de informacion en el asunto:

"Like other celebrity couples, their Hollywood romance has come to an end," said Arons, who quickly added that the duo "will remain friends."

Arons denied that there was any truth to rumours that the breakup was linked to the Cali (as in California) Girl Barbie, arriving in stores now. To better reflect her single status, Cali Barbie will wear board shorts and a bikini top, metal hoop earrings, and have a deeper tan.

This new style has already attracted a new admirer, Blaine the Australian boogie boarder.

y este articulo tambien tiene la teoria de que Ken le tenia miedo al compromiso y Barbie ya se queria casar, como el motivo principal de la separacion. | Ken and Barbie in love-split (February 13, 2004)

y el titulo de post, una teoria al respecto... Aunque realmente no creo que haya sido la culpa de Barbie o que necesite estimulantes sexuales en forma de droga.

As Mattel announces the breakup of Barbie and Ken, QualiLife Pharmaceuticals, developers of the female arousal fluid Zestra(TM) for Women (, mourn what might have been. Their pharmacists know that on Valentine's Day the spark could have been restored to the relationship with just a few drops of non-prescription Zestra(TM) - the only clinically proven female arousal fluid.

Barbie & Ken Breakup After 43 Years: Did Her Sexual Dysfunction Play a Role?

No se que es peor... que quiera que me hablen en merca speak (las cifras demuestran que Barbie representa a las mujeres solteras que luchan por un lugar en el mundo, y no pueden atarse a un solo hombre sin antes experimentar con varios hombres por lo que hemos diseñado un programa de citas para Barbie. ) o que me cuenten una historia de hadas absurda?

mi opinion al respecto. A Ken le faltan huevos.


Maths secrets of M&Ms revealed

US scientists compared the packing densities of M&Ms with those of ball bearings in different containers.

Computer simulations confirmed the findings, which the team report in the current issue of the journal Science.

Salvatore Torquato of Princeton University in New Jersey, US, and colleagues used a 9cm by 9cm square box and three round flasks of different sizes to investigate the conundrum.

The researchers filled these containers with M&M sweets and determined the packing fractions for them. They measured these for both the "regular" and "mini" varieties of the chocolates.

Computer simulation

Then they compared these values with those obtained when the same containers were filled with 3.1mm ball bearings.

The results showed that M&Ms packed at higher densities than ball bearings in all containers tested.

To better understand the principle, the researchers developed a computer simulation that allowed them to generate any shape and test its packing density.

When they stretched the M&M shape so it looked elliptical from the top as well as from the side, like an almond, it achieved a density approaching the highest possible packing fraction of 0.74

y pensar que el cancer sigue sin tener cura...

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Maths secrets of M&Ms revealed


The Victorian Taxidermy Company Limited - Eight legged piglet

No se que es peor... Que a principios del siglo pasado se conservara un puerquito de 8 piernas con taxidermia, o que haya una pagina en este siglo que venda este producto en 2,000 libras?

The Victorian Taxidermy Company Limited - Eight legged piglet


Something Awful

Todo empezo inocentemente, con una pagina de flash, para crear tapices historicos

Historic Tale Construction Kit

pero como resulta muy seguido el debraye se apodero del asunto:

y otro:

y muchos, muchos mas, hasta el drive by de Tupac Shakur sale a relucir.

Something Awful


The Body Worlds exhibition

All the bodies belonged to people who authorised the use of their bodies after their deaths for the educational benefit of medical professionals and non-professionals alike.

The specimens are preserved by plastination - an impregnational technique carried out in a vacuum where the body tissue is saturated with special plastics.


The Body Worlds exhibition | 1


Thumb Sucking Stars

Estoy seguro que existe un chiste exacto para esta pagina, de artrices literalmente chupandose el dedo... pero en este momento prefiero dejarlo ir...

otra liga que demuestra el poder del internet: Si hace una pagina de gente chupandose el dedo, ellos vendran.... if you build it, they will come...

Thumb Sucking Stars



Esta liga esta freaky. Un artista se dedica a "fusionar" fotos de niños, con fotos de esos niños ahora ya de adultos.

something like this:



Parade Float Kills Disney Worker

A costumed worker was killed after being run over by a float during an afternoon parade at Walt Disney World on Wednesday.

The death occurred in a backstage area of the Magic Kingdom, near the Splash Mountain ride, said Jim Solomons, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

whatever... pero de que personaje era el globo???

quien es el asesino??

Who framed Roger Rabbitt???

y anoten esta en la lista de muertes que no quiero tener...


Los 50 mejores monos de todos los tiempos.

Este siendo el año del mono (The Feng Shui is strong in this one...) se me hizo apropiada esta liga.

retroCRUSH: The World's Finest Website and UK Tabloid Muse



Cotard's syndrome
Dr. Jules Cotard (1840-1889) was a Parisian neurologist who first described the delire des negations. Cotard's syndrome or Cotard's delusion comprises any one of a series of delusions ranging from the fixed and unshakable belief that one has lost organs, blood, or body parts to believing that one has lost one's soul or is dead. In its most profound form, the delusion takes the form of a professed belief that one does not exist.

Encountered primarily in psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Cotard's syndrome has also been described in organic lesions of the nondominant temporoparietal cortex as well as in migraine. Cotard's delusion is the only self-certifiable syndrome of delusional psychosis.

Jef's Web Files | Empathy, Energy, Efficiency, Extropy


Death (Sandman) painting by Vince Locke

Vincent Locke esta subastando en eBay arte de sus entintadas en Sandman, asi como esta pintura

eBay item 2225792240 (Ends Feb-21-04 13:11:10 PST) - Death (Sandman) painting by Vince Locke


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Wired News: EBay Scam Uses IPods as Bait

A search for "iPod" on eBay yields a couple thousand listings for the digital music player and accessories, but beware: Hundreds of the listings are inducements to join pyramid-style scams.

Ebay is swamped with new "matrix" schemes, which appear to be legitimate buyers clubs but are in fact variations on classic pyramid scams, which are outlawed around the world.

Wired News: EBay Scam Uses IPods as Bait


Where time stands still: Hihokan - Erotic Museums in Japan

y que se supone que es esto?

Segun el museo una vulva de ballena...

y el museo es realmente erotico, no solo de humanos... tambien de animales...

Where time stands still: Hihokan - Erotic Museums in Japan


Tuesday, February 10, 2004


Alguien se dedico a subir a la red las instrucciones graficas para transformar entre vehiculo y robot, todos los transformers que existen...



Webcomic de Bibliotecarios

No suena como un topico muy interesante pero...



Dead Men Tell No Bathroom Stuff

Quien hubiera pensado que habia no solo una, sino dos tiendas en linea que vendian productos piratescos para baño.


y otros:

papel de baño.

un kit de cepillo para baño.

Dead Men Tell No Bathroom Stuff

Pirate Bath Collection


CD Duplication, DVD Duplicators, CD Printer, DVD Duplicator, and DVD Duplication Equipment

Realmente no se porque... pero me gusto este aparatejo.

Quema y rotula 25 cds o dvds por tirada

CD Duplication, DVD Duplicators, CD Printer, DVD Duplicator, and DVD Duplication Equipment


Make music not war...

Dejenme ver si entiendo... Alguien esta haciendo un reproductor de mp3, que se intercambia con el clip de balas de una AK-47??

A British-based company is selling MP3 players which can be attached to an assault rifle.

The "AK-MP3" player is built into the ammunition clip of a Kalashnikov. It can be swapped with the real magazine carrying bullets and inserted into the weapon.

The device is being advertised on the internet by a Buckinghamshire-based company set up by a group of Russian businessmen.

It comes with enough storage space to hold 9,000 songs.

Former Russian rock star Andrey Koltakov, a partner in the dotcom company offering the AK-MP3 for sale, said: "This is our bit for world peace - hopefully, from now on many militants and terrorists will use their AK-47s to listen to music and audio books."

The accessory costs just over £200 or around £400.

According to those marketing it the stainless steel body makes it "uniquely suitable for outdoors".

AK-47s are the choice of killers across the globe from Marxist guerillas in Colombia to Saddam Hussein loyalists in Iraq. They were also used by IRA snipers.

They are capable of firing 600 rounds a minute.

hmmm. y supongo que seran reproductores mp3 favoritos de los guerilleros, digo con eso de que esta bien hecha...

para cuando solo estas matando el tiempo...

ese deberia de ser su slogan.

I4U News - AK-MP3 Jukebox - MP3s instead of Bullets

Ananova - Company sells MP3 guns


BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Christian question alarms flight

An American Airlines pilot terrified passengers when he asked Christians to identify themselves and allegedly went on to call non-Christians "crazy".

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Christian question alarms flight


Monday, February 09, 2004

Box Office Report - All Time

Esta pagina tiene las peliculas mas taquilleras, en Estados Unidos, mundial y por fin de semana y mes.

una prueba de la taquilla mundial.

de todos los tiempos.

Last updated on Oct. 07, 2003
Movie (Year) Gross

1 Titanic (1997) $1,835.4 m
2 Harry Potter (2001) $967.1 m
3 The Phantom Menace (1999) $925.6 m
4 The Two Towers (2002) $920.3 m
5 Jurassic Park (1993) $920.1 m
6 Harry Potter 2 (2002) $866.4 m
7 Fellowship of the Ring (2001) $860.4 m
8 Independence Day (1996) $813.2 m
9 Spider-Man (2002) $808.9 m
10 Star Wars (1977) $798.0 m
11 The Lion King (1994) $783.4 m
12 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) $769.5 m
13 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) $734.5 m
14 Forrest Gump (1994) $679.7 m
15 The Sixth Sense (1999) $672.8 m
16 Attack of the Clones (2002) $648.3 m
17 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) $614.4 m
18 Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) $608.0 m
19 Men In Black (1997) $587.8 m
20 Return of the Jedi (1983) $572.9 m

ahora se porque J.K.Rowling es mas rica que la reina de Inglaterra.

Box Office Report - All Time


we love you, yes you.

Un lugar de tarjetas de San Valentin, con un tono muy acido.

ejemplo de una de las decentes:

y de unas de las bitchy:

we love you, yes you.


Tokyo Qool - Nakano Broadway

Nakano Broadway: Nakano

The ground floor of Nakano Broadway looks just like a typical neighborhood shopping arcade - handbags, sneakers, pet supplies and so on. But just up the escalator is a warren of tiny, hyper-specialized shops that's more reminiscent of deep shopping expeditions in Hong Kong and Bangkok. Broadway is the complete opposite of those slick new Tokyo malls filled with cookie-cutter global-brand-name stores, and it's a lot more fun to shop in.

Mandarake, the world's largest comic-book store, has its headquarters here. They currently run 16 different specialty shops on three floors, catering to manga subgenres and related interests like trading cards, anime videos and soundtracks. Their toy collectibles shop is one of their most popular, and it's spawned a host of competitors. We noticed that each of the many shops in this field seems to have carved out its own niche, whether it's Gundam action figures or Beatrix Potter miniatures.

Also spinning off from the world of manga and anime are shops selling art books, animation cels and movie posters. And if you like to dress up as your favorite comic-book character but you aren't handy with a sewing machine, the "cosplay" ("costume play") shops can sell you a complete outfit or two.

Not everything here is related to comics - we passed by half a dozen watch shops, each presumably devoted to its own market segment. Fujiya, a local Nakano audio-visual shop has one store specializing in video needs - cameras, boom mikes, editing decks - and another with musician's equipment - professional mixing boards, synthesizer components and DJ mixers. Fujiya also runs several branches of Recomints, their tasty-sounding chain of used CD shops.

Hundreds of other small shops are spread over five floors, selling everything from fabrics (Toa, B1F) to Taiwanese and Hong Kong DVDs (Jasmine Tea, 3F). Ginga Bussan (3F) carries African masks and other exotic decorations and furnishings. If you get hungry you can try the unusual Chinese vegetarian fare at Kohrinbo (2F), or venture into one of the many other restaurants and coffee shops scattered randomly among the stores.

meesa, want to go...

Al final del articulo vienen paginas dedicadas a cada una de las tiendas mas importantes...

worth checking out.

Tokyo Qool - Nakano Broadway


Yahoo! News - Offbeat Photos - AFP

A Beijing businessman has filed an application to trademark the Chinese name of US President George W. Bush to help market his disposable nappies. In Japan his image has already been used on toilet paper.(AFP/File/Kazuhiro Nogi)

Yahoo! News - Offbeat Photos - AFP


Friday, February 06, 2004

Dla Misia !!!!

Guest link.

Juego de batear pinguinos... hey ya se como suena, pero realmente esta bueno.


315.5 es mi record personal.

Dla Misia !!!!


Si al principio no lo logras...

A group of Cubans sails toward the Florida Straits on a modified 1959 Buick Tuesday February 3, 2004. The pilots were the same two men who tried to sail a converted 1951 Chevy flatbed truck to the U.S. last year. Nine other Cubans, including wives and children, were intercepted by the U.S Coast Guard on Tuesday Feb. 3, 2004. (AP Photo/CBS4, HO)

Yahoo! News - Cubans in Car-Boat Are Stopped at Sea


BBC NEWS | Health | Pain from a woman will hurt less

Un estudio de la Universidad de Westminster, encuentra que si el dolor es administrado por una mujer, el sujeto tardara en reportarlo como doloroso.

He said: "This effect is likely to be a result of what participants subconsciously expect, based on socially acquired gender stereotypes - people feel that they are less likely to experience intense pain from a stimulus given by a woman rather than a man.

"This effect is less likely to be down to males trying to appear macho in front of a female - a conscious and deliberate act - as the result applied to both genders."

esto por supuesto ya lo sabian las dominatrix de todos lados...

BBC NEWS | Health | Pain from a woman will hurt less


Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Si tuviera 120,000 yenes para gastar en plumas...

Esta es la pluma que compraria...

celebrando el 85 aniversario de plumas Pilot...


1,300 dolares por esta pluma...


Color scheme

Este es un link extraño... o bueno extraño para mi.

es un esquema de color para entender mejor a los daltonicos en todas sus variaciones.

vean los colores y luego vean como lo veria un daltonico...

Color scheme


Plumas Fuentes

Gracias al escritor de comics y novelas Neil Gaiman descubri esta tienda de plumas en internet... Ahora gracias a Laura, no puedo pensar en cual va a ser mi primera compra.


y el siempre intrigante Vanishing point de Pilot

gracias amor



Tuesday, February 03, 2004

MonitorsDirect Monitor ToolKit Homepage

Despues de gritarle a la persona que me vendio mi monitor lcd, encontre esta pagina donde calibre la imagen, y hice que se viera como deberia de verse...

disculpas a Miguel...

Estan tres herramientas que ayudan a que la imagen mejore.

tambien funciona para monitores crt, los mas comunes, pues.

MonitorsDirect Monitor ToolKit Homepage


Ilustraciones de fantasmas japoneses

estan en japones las paginas...

Japanese Ghost


Jesus Dress Up!

Guest link

la pagina del diseñador esta muy recomendada.

El diseñador esta en todas partes... ejemplo: envoltura de regalo.

gangbanging elves...

Jesus Dress Up!

pagina del diseñador:

y otros dressups

Portfolio of Normal Bob Smith

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