Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Grey Tuesday

El album gris, es una mezcla del album blanco de los Beattles y del album negro de Jay Z mezclados por Danger Mouse.

Hoy es Martes Gris:

Tuesday, February 24 will be a day of coordinated civil disobedience: websites will post Danger Mouse's Grey Album on their site for 24 hours in protest of EMI's attempts to censor this work.

DJ Danger Mouse created a remix of Jay-Z's the Black Album and the Beatles White Album, and called it the Grey Album. Jay-Z's record label, Roc-A-Fella, released an a capella version of his Black Album specifically to encourage remixes like this one. But despite praise from music fans and major media outlets like Rolling Stone ("an ingenious hip-hop record that sounds oddly ahead of its time") and the Boston Globe (which called it the "most creatively captivating" album of the year), EMI has sent cease and desist letters demanding that stores destroy their copies of the album and websites remove them from their site. EMI claims copyright control of the Beatles 1968 White Album.

aqui hay una lista de sitios que tendran el album completo:

Grey Tuesday

en un detalle relacionado, los posibles peores covers de los beattles

Mrs. Miller's Greatest Hits

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