Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Web-only album wins Grammy

Por un lado tenemos la lucha contra la piratería, y por el otro una artista exclusiva de la red, gana un Grammy.

Jazz composer Maria Schneider took home a Grammy on Sunday for her album "Concert in the Garden," without selling a single copy in a record store.

Schneider, 44, financed her Grammy-winning album through an Internet-based music delivery service called ArtistShare that opens the financing of production to dedicated fans.

Schneider said she believed she might be the first artist ever to win a Grammy for an album distributed solely on the Web. But she said that other musicians had already approached her about trying similar experiments of their own.

Apoyaré la lucha contra la piraterìa cuando el argumento no sea "El cliente debe callarse, abrir la boca, cerrar los ojos y sacar la cartera"

Web-only album wins Grammy | CNET News.com

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