Wednesday, December 08, 2004

USB Flash

Dos buenas razones para interesarse en dispositivos de USB

el primero es el usb drive con mejor caracterización que he visto (el de sushi no tenia tanto chiste)

y la segunda es la posibilidad de llevar Firefox y Thunderbird contigo a todos lados:

Portable Firefox is a fully functional package of Firefox optimized for use on a USB key drive. It has some specially-selected optimizations to make it perform faster and extend the life of your USB key as well as a specialized launcher that will allow most of your favorite extensions to work as you switch computers. It will also work from a CDRW drive (in packet mode), ZIP drives, external hard drives, some MP3 players, flash RAM cards and more.

para el cat usb drive:

Panram Cat BAR USB Flash Drive Review

para el portable firefox (y thunderbird):

Portable Firefox 1.0 (USB Drive-Friendly) :: Mozilla Stuff ::

via Engadget

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