Monday, December 06, 2004

Indiana Jones 4. es un hecho. Is Indy 4 still going to be made?
Ford: "No doubt about it."

IESB: Is Sean coming back for the sequel?
Ford: "He says that he is now retired so I don't know."

IESB: Do you know the storyline?
Ford: "I know bits and pieces but I can't say much."

IESB: Natalie Portman recently mentioned that she would be interested in having a part in the next Indiana Jones film, do you think that will happen?
Ford: "Anything is possible but I don't know if that is going to happen." George has always mentioned that this is his version of a Bond story. Do you think that a younger version of Indy will ever be recast for future feature films?
Ford: "No problem with a younger actor taking on Indiana Jones, but Indy IV is mine."

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