Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Sin City (2005)

Es cierto que Robert Rodriguez no es mi director favorito... pero no me cae tan mal... lo que no puedo creer es que se me fue hasta ahora el hecho de que Frank Miller esta co-dirigiendo Sin City...

no fue hasta los juguetes de la pelicula:

que me di cuenta de la mención y hice el debido chequeo en IMDB

Sin City (2005)

pero se pone mas interesante:

Rodriguez, who credits Miller's visual style in the comic as relevant as his own in the film, insisted that Miller receive a "co-director" credit with him. The Directors' Guild of America would not allow it. As a result, Rodriguez resigned from the DGA, saying "It was easier for me to quietly resign before shooting because otherwise I'd be forced to make compromises I was unwilling to make or set a precedent that might hurt the guild later on." Unfortunately, by resigning from the DGA, Rodriguez was also forced to relinquish his director's seat on the film John Carter of Mars (2006) (at the time "A Princess of Mars" after the book on which it was based) for Paramount. Rodriguez had already signed-on and been announced as director of that film when the DGA situation took place, planning to begin filming soon after wrapping this film.

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