Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Fuji gives photographers the two-finger salute | The Register

We gather that there are companies who specialise in making sure that proposed global brands do not offend local sensibilities. For instance, if you're thinking of launching a international network of Wi-Fi hotspots and calling it "Cabrones", these boys will tell you that you'll certainly have to rethink for the Spanish-speaking market.
It seems, however, that there is no-one providing a similar service for hand gestures. Or if there is, then Fuji has yet to touch base. The proof comes in this rather rude pic for an experimental "glove camera", recently spotted on i4u. All we know is that "the future is bright. Fuji is working on a digital camera glove concept. With moving the fingers the shutter is triggered. the lens is worn like a ring" - all of which would be just a rather silly idea were it not for the fact that the lovely photographer is telling we Brits to, ahem, "take a running jump".

Those not familiar with this very British gesture can rest assured that it is favoured for deployment from car windows during moments of road rage and usually results in a good old punch-up, if not a fatal stabbing. The story goes that English longbowmen were so effective at decimating ranks of horse-borne French knights that the latter would cut off the two forefingers of any captured archer to prevent him pulling the bow. Accordingly, lines of obstreperous Brits would face their adversaries giving them the two fingers as if to say "I've got my full complement - so you're going to get some", or words to that effect.

Fuji gives photographers the two-finger salute | The Register

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