Friday, September 03, 2004

Aussie boffins probe lesbian cows | The Register

Vacas lesbianas???

hot on the heels of the British revelations that sheep like happy, smiley people and pine for absent friends comes the earth-shattering possibility that cows' propensity to indulge in a bit of girl-on-girl is caused by a combination of "stress, [and] a selective domestication process which favoured outwardly sexual cows and the number of animals on heat in a small enclosure"

los investigadores australianos fueron a Malasia (hogar del último rebaño de vacas salvajes (pero no lesbianas)) para tratar de demostrar si la domesticación, y el estress son lo que conllevan al lesbianismo bovino...

No me voy a molestar en decir que, qué paso con el cancer y esas "enfermedades erias"... pero mínimo deberian de estar viendo que onda con las vacas locas, y no las vacas "locas"...

Aussie boffins probe lesbian cows | The Register

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