Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Itai Itai disease

Es curioso el nombre de la enfermedad (que por lo que lei es horrible y causada por envenenamiento de cadmio) porque "Itai" es lo que dicen los japoneses cuando se pegan... es su "Ouch"

Digo no suena bien tener la enfermedad Ouch Ouch...


Some elderly patients who suffered from Itai Itai disease--a type of cadmium poisoning recognized as the first disease in the nation to be caused by pollution--have been officially recognized posthumously as victims of the disease.

Thirty-six years have passed since the disease, which is characterized by extreme pain, from which its name is derived, was determined to be caused by pollution in a basin of the Jinzugawa river in Toyama Prefecture. Why did the Toyoma prefectural government not recognize the patients as victims of the disease until after they had died?

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