Thursday, May 13, 2004

Choose Your Own Adventure: WTC ||

De mis libros favoritos de la adolescencia eran esos de escoger el destino del personaje principal. Ahora la gente de Kuro5hin ha creado una aventura en el WTC de Nueva York...

You are an executive for a top financial institution in New York. The date is September 11, 2001. At 3:00 a.m. you got back from an all-expenses paid "business trip" to Thailand where you had sex with a 13 year old prostitute. You are exhausted and you fear you have contracted syphilis. Do you try to call in sick? Or do you push yourself to get into your office at the World Trade Center's North Tower by 8 a.m.?

If you try to call in sick turn to page 2

If you force yourself in to work turn to page 3


Choose Your Own Adventure: WTC ||

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