Tuesday, May 11, 2004

No. 5 y subiendo de las formas en las que no me gustaria morir.

Man Fatally Bitten by Sexually Aroused Horse

WARSAW (Reuters) - A sexually excited stallion bit a Polish man to death when he tried to calm the beast, which had become uncontrollably aroused by a nearby mare, police said.

"The 24-year-old man, identified as Robert R., was bitten when he tried to calm his horse, which had become unsettled by the presence of a mare in the vicinity," a duty officer in the Baltic port of Szczecin told Reuters.

The horse went wild and began straining and bucking while pulling a farm cart through the village.

An autopsy would determine whether the direct cause of death was a severed jugular vein or damaged spine, the officer added.

Yahoo! News - Man Fatally Bitten by Sexually Aroused Horse

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