Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Yahoo! News - Prostitute says government ruining trade

Seguimiento de la historia de la prostitución y los impuestos en Alemania.

BERLIN (Reuters) - A leading German prostitute says the government is putting the squeeze on the legalised prostitution industry with a drive to collect taxes and plans to fine businesses that don't hire trainees.

the bastards...

Molly Luft, operator of a famous Berlin brothel with 10 freelance staff, said the government's moves would harm a profession that employs 400,000 in Germany and has annual sales of four billion pounds.

"People just don't have the money to pay for sex anymore," said Luft, 60, referring to the country's stagnant economy and the new tax pressures.

"Who can pay more than they can afford? These law changes will be disastrous for brothel operators," she said in an interview with Reuters Television on Friday.

German lawmakers have started looking for ways to more effectively collect taxes from prostitutes after the Federal Audit Office scolded the government for squandering some two billion euros a year in lost tax revenues.

Yahoo! News - Prostitute says government ruining trade

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