Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Lost Cosmonauts

Los hermanos Judica-Cordiglia tenían una antena que recibia señales del espacio, y con el tiempo pudieron escuchar las transmisiones de los satelites que sobrevolaban Italia, todos eran bips hasta que un dia escucharon los últimos latidos de un cosmonauta sin nombre:

The Soviet Union had beaten the U.S. in 1957 by launching the first, unmanned artificial satellite, Sputnik.
In total secrecy, preparations were also underway at the space center in Baikonur, for an orbital manned flight. The U.S.S.R. had to show the world its scientific leadership by being first with a man in space.

We now present a document which unequivocally proves that on February 2, 1961, nine weeks before Gagarin, another Russian cosmonaut flew into space. His mission was not successful and this hero perished during the flight. His sacrifice was kept secret from the world for reasons of political propaganda.

The attached 'RealAudio' files are actual recordings of the last moments of this hero's life. His failing heartbeat can be heard, as it was recorded by the Judica-Cordiglia brothers. A leading cardiologist of the time, Prof. Dogliotti, confirmed that the heartbeats are those of a dying person. The breathing sounds are, literally, the last gasps of the cosmonaut, already unconscious.

y la primera mujer en el espacio:

The launch took place on the 16th of May, 1961. We don't know what went wrong during the flight, but re-entry had to be delayed. It is possible that the thermal shield of the Vostok capsule may have been damaged during launch. A decision was finally made to attempt re-entry on May 23rd, due to the dwindling air supplies.

The italian listening post manned by the Judica-Cordiglia brothers had, by now, learned how to intercept the voice communications between the spacecraft and mission control, in addition to the physiological data received on the previous missions.
The document we are presenting is dramatic and unsettling: the cosmonaut can be heard complaining about the increasing ambient temperature, in a professional voice which yet betrays the knowledge of a mission gone terribly wrong. In the end, when flames start engulfing the capsule, the voice becomes heart-rending.

A full english translation is presented, together with the original voice recording.

Three days later, on May 26, 1961, TASS, the soviet press agency announced the return to earth on the 23rd of a large, unmanned satellite which burned upon re-entering the atmosphere. The satellite was the size of a city bus. Its launch had not been previously disclosed and its purpose was unknown.

The Lost Cosmonauts

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