Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Ed Mironiuk's Crap

Ed Mironiuk además de ser excelente ilustrador, hace un buen reportaje de su viaje a Japón donde se dio vuelta por lugares que en cualquier lado estarían fuera de lugar...

We got home late sunday night. Still trying to get stuff in order. In the meantime we gots a few more pictures. Probably one of my favorite places in Shibuya was a restaraunt with a medical/prison theme called Alcatraz E.R (http://www.hy-japan.com/alcatraz/top.html). This was one of our waitresses (in fact she was the one who greeted us at the door and handcuffed Kris and I together before leading us to our prison cell.

Ed Mironiuk's Crap

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