Tuesday, February 22, 2005

FOXNews.com - Foxlife - Lawsuit: 'Grand Theft Auto' Led Teen to Kill

A lawsuit claims the video game "Grand Theft Auto (search)" led a teenager to shoot two police officers and a dispatcher to death in 2003, mirroring violent acts depicted in the popular game.

Thompson is accused of killing the three men in June 2003 after being brought to the Fayette police station on suspicion of driving a stolen car. Thompson allegedly grabbed one of the officer's guns, shot him and the other two, then fled in a patrol car.

Let me get this straight... Un chavito se roba un carro. Lo detiene la policia, lo llevan a la estación. Le quita el arma a uno, y mata a tres policias. Se roba una patrulla y escapa.

Sin caer en el "Los padres educan, no los videojuegos" a lo mejor los que deberian de jugar GTA son los policias...

FOXNews.com - Foxlife - Lawsuit: 'Grand Theft Auto' Led Teen to Kill

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