Monday, October 04, 2004

Japan Today - News - Mexican telenovela to debut in Japan on Oct 4

Es una realidad que una de nuestros mayores exportaciones culturales son las tele-novelas...

great... I guess.

MEXICO CITY — Hopes are running high that the popular Mexican telenovela "The Game of Life" will be a big hit in Japan when it begins airing on Oct 4.

Kyoto Broadcasting System Co will begin broadcasting the comical telenovela, which charts the adventures of a teenage girls' soccer team, every weekday during the 10-11 p.m. slot in the Kyoto area. "Japanese people can get to know us through telenovelas," which are prime-time serials produced in all Spanish countries, said producer of the show, Roberto Gomez. (Kyodo News)

para los que no la recuerdan, o no sabian de su existencia (me incluyo)

era la de las chavitas que jugaban futbol...

Japan Today - News - Mexican telenovela to debut in Japan on Oct 4 - Japan's Leading International News Network

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