Friday, October 01, 2004

IO2Technology: Heliodisplay/ Interactive Free-Space Display

Rerdandome un poco como es que 4d Art utiliza sus proyectores:

Air comes into the device, is modified then ejected and illuminated to produce the image. Nothing is added to the air so there isn`t any harmful gas or liquid emitted from the device, and nothing needs to be refilled. Operating the device will not change a room`s environment, air quality or other conditions. If a Heliodisplay were left running for a week in a hermetically sealed room, the only change to the room`s environment would be from the electricity used to run the device.

soy un poco sospechoso de eso del "aire mágico" pero se ve bien. los videos estan recomendables.

liga a la tecnología:

IO2Technology: Heliodisplay/ Interactive Free-Space Display

la liga a el post de 4d Art:
Ponchorama!!!!!!: --virtual reality theatre, Orfeo, John Lambert & Assoc -- Lemieux Pilon Creation

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