Thursday, July 01, 2004

Guía de Macworld para colorear en photoshop

Muy recomendable para los que no saben, pero quieren colorear utilizando photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop CS is possibly the best program for manipulating digital photographs. But it's also a capable program for coloring scanned artwork. This is especially valuable because it's easier to draw on paper, with a pencil or a pen, than it is to sketch on screen, if only because you can see an entire piece of paper without zooming or panning. And it can be easier to add colors in Photoshop than it is to hassle with conventional paints or assemble fussy mechanicals.

I'll show you how to apply color to scanned line art in Photoshop ($649; Throughout this process, you won't harm a single stroke in the original drawing. It really is the best of all worlds.

Macworld: Create

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