Monday, June 28, 2004

Yahoo! News - Cops Told to Give Break to Organ Donors

No se que tan buena idea sea esta...

An edgy new advertising campaign to promote organ donation hints that police officers should cut speeders who are organ donors some slack.

"Hey policeman," a Cleveland billboard calls out, an arrow pointing to a donor insignia on a young man's license, "give this guy a break."

The advertisements by LifeBanc, the Cleveland-based organ procurement agency for 20 counties in northeast Ohio, are meant to attract attention, a spokeswoman said.

"We wanted to get people thinking," said the agency's Monica Heath, noting that 1,300 people in northeast Ohio are waiting for organs.

Councilman Matthew Zone wasn't laughing. "I think it sends the wrong message to the average Joe citizen," said Zone.

"Just because you participate in a unique program as precious as donating an organ doesn't mean (you) should be given preferential treatment," he said.

Lt. Wayne Drummond, a Cleveland police spokesman, said he had no problem with the billboard, but people shouldn't get the wrong idea.

While patrol officers have discretion in ticket writing, "in my experience, it's not typical to give someone a break because they're an organ donor," he said.

let me get this straight... Le estan dando incentivos a los donadores de organos para que puedan romper los limites de velocidad... no se si es una excelente idea (ie: mas organos para las listas de transplantes) o pesima (más accidentes de gente que se cree invulnerable, o intocable ante la ley)

Yahoo! News - Cops Told to Give Break to Organ Donors

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