Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Yahoo! News - De Vere anniversary revives Shakespeare debate

Se celebran los 400 años de la muerte de Edward De Vere... que es famoso por:

Four hundred years ago today, a little known aristocrat died who may just have written plays like "Hamlet" and "Romeo and Juliet."

His name: Edward De Vere, better known by his nom de plume of Shakespeare.

A sacrilegious notion perhaps, but a determined group of history and drama enthusiasts still believes there are too many unanswered questions in the Bard's works for them to have been written by a provincial actor from Stratford.

El problema no es si Shakespeare existió o no... pero mucha gente alega que como es posible que un actor pueda haber tenido un conocimiento del funcionamiento de la corte, lugares de italia, etc. En cambio un aristocrata como De Vere podría haber tenido acceso a la corte y a viajar dada su posición acomodada...

yo pienso igual que los criticos en contra de esta idea:

Shakespeare specialist Dr William Poole from Downing College Cambridge said: "It takes only the most basic historical spade-work to conclude that each and every one of the standard objections fall flat at the kindergarten stage of reasoning.

"Some people would just like to think that an earl can write plays better than a glovemaker's son," he told Reuters.

Yahoo! News - De Vere anniversary revives Shakespeare debate

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