Friday, May 07, 2004

Yahoo! News - Estimated 51.1M Tune in for 'Friends'

NEW YORK - In the end, Rachel, Ross, Joey, Phoebe, Monica and Chandler had a lot of friends. An estimated 51.1 million people tuned in for the final "Friends" on NBC Thursday night, watching the crowd-pleasing story line of Ross and Rachel declaring their undying love for each other

That makes it the fourth most-watched television series finale ever, behind "M-A-S-H" (105 million in 1983), "Cheers" (80.4 million in 1993) and "Seinfeld" (76.2 million in 1998), according to Nielsen Media Research.

It was also the most popular entertainment program on television since the concluding episode of the first "Survivor," watched by 51.7 million in August 2000.

Me da gusto saber que el final de friends no se comparo en raiting al de Seinfeld. Yo de plano lei los spoilers y pues nada espectacular. A mi me perdieron en la temporada 4 o la 5...

Yahoo! News - Estimated 51.1M Tune in for 'Friends'

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