Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Sex Bracelets

Nueva moda en Estados Unidos. En las primarias se esta dando tambien el "sex bracelet".


Girls as young as 11 are stacking colorful rubber "sex bracelets" up their arms while their parents are unaware that each piece of the cheap jewelry represents a different sex act, according to a secret-code the kids share.

The kids play a game called "Snap" associated with wearing the bracelets. In the game, girls wear the bracelets around their wrists, and if a boy runs up and rips one off, he gets a "coupon" from the girl to perform whatever sex act the color stands for.

A black bracelet indicates sexual intercourse, blue is oral sex, red is a lap dance or French kiss and white is a homosexual kiss - and it gets more in depth.

Green represents having sex outside

Megan Stecher, 11, a fifth-grader who sells the $1 bracelets to her classmates at Holy Child Jesus School in Richmond Hill, Queens, for $1.25 said her teachers are not aware of what they symbolize.

"No one wants to tell them, either," Megan said. "Everyone collects and wears all the colors to school, and all the kids know exactly what every color stands for." "One person tells someone, and they tell someone else, and that's how it spread," Megan said. "I heard about it in the neighborhood."

Megan's mother, Michelle Stecher, 33, originally thought it was an innocent fashion fad.

New York Post Online Edition: seven

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