Friday, May 21, 2004

Yahoo! News - Singapore Plans Reality Procreation Show

Yo estoy esperando que haya un reality show de hacer un reality show...

The prize: $100,000 — and a baby. Ten couples from around the world could compete in a reality TV show in Singapore to see who can procreate first, the city-state's self-styled sex guru said Thursday.

con este titulo realmente no pueden fallar:

Wei said he hopes the show, "Dr. Love's Super Baby Making Show," will be beamed across the world and shown locally by MediaCorp, the government-owned national broadcaster, later this year.

Y porque en Singapur:

A worldwide survey last year by condom maker Durex showed that Singaporean couples had sex on average just 96 times in 2003 — making them the least sexually active respondents among the developed countries surveyed

Yahoo! News - Singapore Plans Reality Procreation Show

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