Tuesday, May 25, 2004

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Real Story | Young 'tanorexics' risking cancer

Hey! nueva enfermedad. Tanorexia. Mucho tiempo pasado en los salones de bronceado por los jovenes ingleses preocupa a los doctores de la isla.

The term "tanorexia" has been coined by doctors alarmed at the spiralling numbers of youngsters putting themselves at risk of skin cancer as they chase the perfect skin colour.

The British Medical Association and Cancer Research UK have called for a ban on under-16s using tanning salons.

A study by Newcastle University recently found that about 100 people a year die in the UK as a direct result of sunbed use, with many suffering long term damage in their youth.

The over-exposure of the skin to ultra-violet light can lead to cancer.

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Real Story | Young 'tanorexics' risking cancer

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