Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Japan faces serious blood supply shortage

El encabezado completo es: Japan faces serious blood supply shortage after BSE cow warning... Me dió imagenes de vampiras colegialas rondando las calles:

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Japan is facing an unprecedented shortage of blood supplies and may see them outstripped by demand possibly next week, following a proposed stricter blood donation ban on people who visited Britain due to fears about mad cow disease.

The crisis prompted Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Hidehisa Otsuji to take to the streets of Tokyo's Shinjuku district on Saturday to urge people to donate blood. As of Friday, the stock of red blood cells — a gauge of blood supply — stood at 74% of the appropriate level — defined as enough supply to meet demand for three days, the Red Cross said

Como es costumbre de Japan Today, las notas son muy cortas pero muchas veces son los comentarios los que hacen los artículos:

I once was going to give blood here,

but I was talking to a friend of mine who had, and she said that after she had finished giving the blood, the attendant wrote gaijin on the bag.

Me too

"after she had finished giving the blood, the attendant wrote gaijin on the bag."

This is EXACTLY why I'm not going to donate either. Anyway they have Red Cross people on the street trying to get people to donate, but they never make eye contact with me, or stop talking when they see me.

I'm also curious

about the fact that 17 BSE cases have been found since they started. It makes me wonder how many were not found, and what the quality of the blood supply from Japanese who didn't travel to England is.

I also gave blood until last year. I received a note from the Red Cross saying that said not to bother donating blood, because my blood was too thick. Of course the results of my company physical, which included a full blood workup, said otherwise. Oh well, guess I'll keep my blood.

i also gave blood until recently

when i discovered that the hospital i went to didnt keep stocks of the red gaijin blood. much to my chagrin, they only had the yellow/red mongoloid blood that the japanese have. get some of that stuff in you and youll be bowing and scraping all the way to the pachinko parlour.

if you ever require blood here, make sure they know your persoanlity characteristics and that you must have the red gaijin blood or you will die. i lost a good friend to a mistaken japanese blood transfusion. it was sad...

nada como racismo sanguineo...

Japan Today - News - Japan faces serious blood supply shortage after BSE cow warning - Japan's Leading International News Network

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