Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Fake Gucci Bags Fund Terrorism?

Ahora resulta que la piratería esta organizada por la mafia y los grupos terroristas para tener fondos para sus actividades criminales...

Before you buy that fake Armani T-shirt or knock-off Gucci bag, remember that you could be lining the pockets of mobsters and terrorists.

That was the warning from Interpol during a global conference on counterfeiting Thursday -- a crime which is costing governments and businesses hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

"When you buy for example a counterfeit watch, the money is channeled into the pockets of Mafia groups, terrorist groups," said Jean-Michel Louboutin, executive director of police services at Interpol.

Trying to rally consumer support behind a global campaign against counterfeiting, officials also warned unscrupulous bargain hunters they could even be risking their own lives.

Esta se me hace una de las razones más absurdas para echarle la culpa a los piratas de ropa, películas, discos, de ahora hasta ser terroristas.

Pasando por alto el hecho de que tal vez la razón por la que hay piraterìa es por los inflados precios de esos productos de lujo, que valen hasta mil por ciento de su materia prima y mano de obra...

Yahoo! News - Fake Gucci Bags Fund Terrorism?

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