Wednesday, August 25, 2004

DOs and DON'TS

Una lista de recomendaciones de que esta bien y que esta mal hablando de fotografía.


Q Do: Quick reflexes Good photographing is like a sport. You have to be fast, strong (cameras are heavy as shit), agile and hyperaware. It's no coincidence that Spider-Man is such a good photographer.
Don'ts: Quick prints (expensive and look like shit)
Dos: Quick load (a godsend)

Y Don't: Photographing Yourself The majority of self-portraits are annoying and bad because humans are far too self-aware to photograph themselves in any sort of candid, honest way. Everyone puts on their photo face (usually mopey, serious, or blank), squints their eyes, and tries to look timid, shy, sensitive, and/or tough. It's really gay.
Dos: Yearbooks


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