Thursday, June 17, 2004

La pornografia aumenta la fertilidad.

Si eres un panda...

guest link que termina la historia del panda que sometieron a sesiones de videos er�ticos de otros pandas.

American-born panda Hua Mei is pregnant, just months after she settled into her new home in southwestern China, state newspapers reported Wednesday.

The 4-year-old panda, whose name means "China-America," was the first foreign-born panda to return to its ancestral homeland. She arrived in February from the San Diego Zoo, where she was born to two pandas on loan from China.

Chinese veterinarians, concerned that she had little knowledge of sex after living only in captivity, showed her videos of mating pandas to prepare her for a series of "blind dates."

Panda pregnant after watching sex videos

American Panda gets Sex Ed

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