Monday, May 17, 2004

Nick Berg's Killing: 50 Fishy Circumstances, Contradictory Claims, and Videotape Anomalies ||

Dejenselo a los geeks investigar el asesinato de Nick Berg ( ya saben. Hombre de negocios muerto en Iraq... "In the end there can be only one??" Highlander??? Decapitación) Llegan a muy buenas conclusiones y apuntan sin dudarlo al gobierno americano. Good stuff.


The video of the killing has many flaws including problems with time skips, audio dubbing, and the characteristics, appearance and speech of Berg and the killers. People from Middle Eastern cultures believe that Middle Eastern people were not involved in this video, based on the mannerisms, accents, behavior and appearance of the killers. A close inspection of the video suggests that Westerners may have been involved.

For a number of reasons, it does not appear that the Jordanian terrorist Abu Masab Al-Zaraqawi, who was voice identified by the CIA (and whose name was on the tape), was involved. He has a poorly functioning prosthetic leg and a hand tattoo, which should have been observed. Neither were. The accent of the speaker in the video was not Jordanian. Why has the CIA seemingly lied about the analysis of Al-Zarqawi's voice and his role in the killing?

Recomendado el articulo.

Nick Berg's Killing: 50 Fishy Circumstances, Contradictory Claims, and Videotape Anomalies ||

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