Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Been Caught Stealing!!!!

Update: Este es un guest link, guess I was just monkeying around...

Un par de oldies but goodies. Y digo quien no le gustan los monos. Especialmente los micos roboticos.

Monkeys in North Carolina have remotely operated a robotic arm 600 miles away in MIT's Touch Lab -- using their brain signals.

The feat is based on a neural-recording system reported in the November 16 issue of Nature. In that system, tiny electrodes implanted in the animals' brains detected their brain signals as they controlled a robot arm to reach for a piece of food.

Si claro, pura risa y chistes de bananas, hasta que los monos se rebelan y destruyen nuestra civilización.

Damn them!!!!!
Monkey controls robotic arm using brain signals sent over Internet

Monkeys implanted with special electrodes moved a cursor on a computer screen just by thinking about it, and learned how to do it better with practice, scientists reported on Thursday.

The experiment could eventually lead to the development of better prosthetic limbs for amputees and might even offer a way for paralyzed patients to move again.

"They were able to move balls around, by thinking about it, in three-dimensional space," said Andrew Schwartz, a neural physiologist at Arizona State University who led the study.

hehehehe... move balls... hehehe.

okie had a monkey minute. ahem. Grandioso, los cientificos no satisfechos de que la mayoria de los niños del mundo sea adicta a los videojuegos, ahora quieren pervertir a los pobres monos. Oh the humanity... or is it the monkeyianity??

sciforums.com - Monkey Moves Cursor!

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