Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Skinema: Dermatology in the cinema

El resultado no tan aparente de ser Dermatologo y aficionado al cine al mismo tiempo.

Una pagina dedicada a las condiciones de la piel en las peliculas, asi como los diferente estados en los que se encuentran las caras de ciertos actores.

y aparte, el secreto del tercer pezon de Marky Mark!!

y la especulacion acerca de que demonios es el cuerno de Van Damme:

You may ask, just what is that lump doing on the forehead of action stupid-star, er, superstar Jean Claude Van Damme? Is this a residual bruise from a kick boxing match? Since this lesion is seen in many of his films, it is most likely a lipoma. Lipomas are common, deep, soft bumps or masses that can occur anywhere, but usually grow on the arms, legs, and trunk. Often they are symptom-less, but can cause sudden pain or itch. There may be cosmetic concerns. In certain locations, the non-cancerous collections of fat cells are considered deforming. Which brings us back to Van Damme. Why not remove such a large growth? It may be that the lump is not a lipoma, but is an overgrowth of bone or blood vessel tissue. And removal in any case would result in a scar. For whatever reason, we commend Mr. Van Damme's decision to not go changing. Besides, even if this is a lump of fat on his head, we doubt anyone will call him "fat-head." We would never do that, certainly.

El jurado sigue sin decision. Cuerno o grasa?

Skinema: Dermatology in the cinema

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