Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Singapore, more like Sans Sex pore?

Okie, mal titulo pero leanlo despues de pasar al resto del post...

Singapore, where prostitution is legal and oral sex is a crime, is doing some soul searching over morality, sexuality and the law.

In a country ranked last for two straight years in a global list of most sexually active nations, and where fertility rates are falling, debate over laws on sex is growing after a 27-year-old man was jailed for two years for receiving oral sex.

The man, a police coast guard sergeant, landed in court after a girl reported to police she had performed fellatio on him after the two met in an Internet chat room.

Primero: La prostitución es legal... pero el sexo oral no? No quiero saber que clase de logica aplicarian a legalizar las drogas en Singapore.

Segundo: 2 Años por recibir sexo oral? yikes.

Tercero: Internet... claro, el gran mal del siglo pasado, probablemente en los libros de historia Lewinski conseguira el trabajo de becaria de la Casa Blanca, através de la interné.

Y la ley de Singapore aclara:

That section says "whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animals can be fined and jailed up to 10 years, or even for life." That a law that effectively criminalizes homosexuality and oral sex between men and women exists and is enforced appears to have mortified much of the public.


Yahoo! News - Soul Searching Over Sex

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