Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Como dijo Elvis... Its good to be the king...

Swaziland's King Mswati III has chosen a 17-year-old girl to become his 11th wife,

Ntentensa was chosen by Mswati last year after he reviewed videotapes of semi-naked maidens taking part in the traditional Reed Dance ceremony, an annual homage to the queen mother.

Palace sources said Monday the engagement had been announced in part to clear the way for Mswati to choose even more fiancees at this year's Reed Dance next month.

Women's rights activists and AIDS (news - web sites) campaigners have criticized Mswati's latest choice of a new bride, which comes despite his own order two years ago that teenage girls should remain virgins to help stem the AIDS crisis in Swaziland, where the adult HIV infection rate is approaching 40 percent.

Levanten la mano los que piensen que la verdadera razòn de la orden del rey de que las mujeres jovenes permanezcan virgenes no es para controlar el Sida en Swaziland (Swaziland??) sino para sus propios fines libidinosos... Its good to be the King.

Yahoo! News - With 11th Bride, King Alarms Health Workers
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