Tuesday, August 26, 2003

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Okie. El año pasado MIT, una de las escuelas de ingenierìa, si no es que LA escuela de ingenierìa, màs prestigiada del mundo anuncio que iba a publicar la bibliografia, asi como articulos y examenes de sus clases. Hasta el momento hay varias clases y realmente son muy recomendadas. Este siendo ponchorama, no se interesa en la educaciòn continua. pero chequen:

1.On page 30 of the paper "Search,Obfuscation and Price Elasticities on the Internet," by Glenn Ellison and Sara Fisher Ellison (http://web.mit.edu/gellison/www/search.pdf), there is a 3x3 table of cross-elasticities for three different kinds of memory chips.A firm marketing these three goods hires two consultants to help decide on prices.The first consultant,a Harvard student,does not understand the cross-good effects and treats each good as a separate problem.The second,an MIT student,tries to optimize total profits taking into account all effects.What prices does each consultant recommend?What is the difference between the profits resulting from each recommendation?Assume that the costs of the 3 products are $110,$115 and $125.

Una pequeña burla econòmica a expensas de la universidad de Harvard. La clase es de Economìa y el comercio electronico by the way.

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