Tuesday, April 05, 2005

International Superheroes

Enciclopedia de superheroes por país. Ejemplo desde México, La llanera Vengadora:

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Real Name: Flor Silvestre

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Unknown

Affiliations: Fausto

Enemies: Unknown

Known Relatives: Fausto (brother)

Aliases: Unknown

Base of Operations: Las Cruces, northern Mexico

First Appearance: Flor Silvestre, la Llanera Vengadora

Powers/Abilities: None

History: "Flor Silvestre, La LLanera Vengadora, defended law and order in the northern Mexico town of "Las Cruces." She used guns, a lasso, and rode a motorcycle, which she nicknamed "mi Carcochita." She lived with her younger brother, Fausto, who became her sidekick while she was in costume, although he may or may not have realised that he was helping his own sister in her fight for justice."

International Superheroes

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