Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Ananova - Woman sells breasts as billboards

Como todo en ponchorama, este post empezó de manera normal: "Mujer renta sus pechos para promocionar productos!"

A British woman is making money on eBay - by selling ad space on her breasts.

Angel Brammer, 27, from Greenock, Scotland, will wear a company logo on her 42G cleavage for 15 days.

Thousands of companies in the US have already bid for the right to use her breasts as makeshift billboards.

She said: "I have had a lot of unusual offers."

Ananova - Woman sells breasts as billboards

pero ilustrando el post... hice google image search de breasts...

y salieron estas dos imagenes que me perseguiran en mis pesadillas...

Los titulos lo dicen todo: Riesgo de usar implantes de senos. (kinda funny)

Breast cancer (not funny at all)

ahhh la interné...

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