Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Justin loves to ice skate...

Estuviste en NSync (sp?) y ahora quiere empezar tu carrera de actuación con papeles de chico rudo... te tatuas "me gusta el patinaje sobre hielo?... sí, si eres Justin Timberlake

Reader "Nick E." has emailed me a photo scan of November 15, 2004 issue of US magazine, which featured Justin Timberlake posing on the movie set of "Top Dog". (click on the photo for larger view)

In the movie, Timberlake plays a drug-gang member named "Frankie Ballenbacher". Even though the tattoos are fake, but why would a tough gang member get "ice-skating" on him is still puzzling.

y si... es una virgen Maria en el brazo...

para una imagen de mayor resolución y muchas historias de hanzi (como le dicen a los kanjis en china...)

intepretación y ligahanzismatter

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