Friday, October 29, 2004

Angel of mercy gives

You're a homeless man in Nagoya camped out in the park adjacent to Nagoya Castle or one of the several public areas where dozens of vagrants have erected makeshift abodes made of blue plastic tarpaulins.

Having been down on your luck for so long, sex, if on your mind at all, is probably little more than a distant memory. And since it's been days, sometimes even months since your last bath, the prospect of finding female companionship is likely to be all the more remote.

Certainly the last thing you'd ever expect would be to be awakened from a sound sleep by an attractive young female who has slipped into your shelter, opened the fly of your pants, and begun to provide relief in the form of hand jobs, or oral sex.

Yet, increasing numbers of homeless men in Nagoya's parks swear this has happened to them. Did these pleasurable experiences actually occur? Or was it merely something emanating out of the fog of alcohol-induced stupor?

levanten la mano los que creen que esta leyenda urbana esta siendo propagada por el gobierno japonés como parte de su campaña: "No estan malo vivir en la calle"...

la historia continua en la liga. (Un reportero se va "undercover" para ver si le toca...)

MDN: WaiWai

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