Friday, August 13, 2004

Slashdot | Gene Therapy Turns Slackers Into Workaholics

cientificos descubren la cura de la hueva...

(Reuters) -- Procrastinating monkeys were turned into workaholics using a gene treatment to block a key brain compound, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday.

Blocking cells from receiving dopamine made the monkeys work harder at a task -- and they were better at it, too, the U.S. government researchers found.

y curioso dato:

Humans and monkeys both use this learning, which involves looking at how much work there is, visually, and deciding how long it will take to complete it.

Monkeys and humans both tend to wait until the last possible minute to finish up the work, and become very adept at estimating how long they have.

Molecular geneticist Edward Ginns created a DNA antisense agent that tricked brain cells into turning off their D2 receptors -- which are molecular doorways used by dopamine to get into cells.

be afraid, be very afraid.

Slashdot | Gene Therapy Turns Slackers Into Workaholics - Gene�blocking turns monkeys into workaholics - Aug 11, 2004

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