Monday, June 14, 2004

Kid A is walking the streets.

Apenas me cayo el veinte que tenga algo que ver con Radiohead... Pero siendo ponchorama... no vamos a hablar de musica...

Kid A es el asesino serial japones de 14 años, que por no ser 13 meses mayor se libro de la pena de muerte.

y ahora cumple 21 años... y es liberado...

He has supposedly recovered from the sexual sadism that drove him to attack and wound at least five people with a hammer, two of them mortally.

In fact, he later severed the head off Jun Hase, an 11-year-old boy he had killed, filled the mouth with a threatening letter and placed the head on the front gate of an elementary school like some sort of warped trophy. His killings so shocked Japan, the normally tight-lipped Justice Ministry took the unprecedented step of publicly announcing his release from the reformatory where he has spent the past seven years apparently atoning for his sins to the extent bureaucrats deemed he could be released.

Robbers of trifling sums serve longer sentences.

Only his release was announced, however, not his identity.

And his address remains a secret, so he could be anywhere in Japan.

Anywhere in Japan... that is a comforting thought... Scared much??

"Youth A is known for being a hard case (for years he refused to meet family members when they went to visit him). There's a high likelihood he's only pretending to have reformed so he can get out on the streets again

esa ultima linea esta como el poster de la pelicula de su vida...

una buena razón para no envidiar a los japoneses...

MDN: Wai Wai

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