Monday, April 12, 2004


Para cuando realmente no tienes la imaginación de crear un buen insulto. Agregas unos cuantos datos. Y voila! insulto inmediato.

ejemplo: Female, stupid, tall, overweight, professional, casual, celibate, average y wingless. en las opciones da como resultado:

Your Personalized Insult:

Yuk! What a putrid waste of a vagina you are, you humped-back, club-footed, bowlegged, lollicock lickin' loser. Celibate, eh? You mean in the closet, right? Or maybe you're a homosexual midget: in which case, you're in the cupboard! Average looking, my ass. You're uglier than the south-facing end of north-bound mule with a ruptured ulcerated fly-covered rump. You're a politically vacillating phony liberal fuck; too damn broadminded to take your own side in a debate. Calling you a pea brain would be an insult to peas, you jellyfish-sucking mental midget. How come you're so tall? Did your mother mate with a giraffe? If you were ever kidnapped and eaten by a cannibal tribe, they'd all die of high cholesterol, you fat, flabby, fumbling fuck. Professional, my ass. You couldn't win a cigar after giving birth in a tobacco field in Havana, you clueless, über-incompetent fuckwit. I've seen wounds that were better dressed than you are, you toad-lickin', hound-kickin', snot-flickin', inbred swamp spawn! I've come across decomposing animal carcasses that are less offensive than you are.

esto esta en la parte de insult generators.


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