Thursday, March 25, 2004

Yahoo! News - "Good cop" beats "bad cop" in interrogations

Softly softly" police interviews with crime suspects yield more confessions than inquisitorial interrogations, according to a new Swedish study.

Victims also tend to provide more evidence when questioned gently, improving the chances of a conviction, the doctoral dissertation for Stockholm University showed.

"Police interviews marked by dominance are mainly associated with a higher proportion of denials, whereas an approach marked by humanity is significantly associated with confessions," crime investigator Ulf Holmberg wrote in a doctoral dissertation for Stockholm University.

He interviewed 94 offenders, 178 victims and 430 police involved in murder, assault and rape cases in Sweden.

He found some police got impatient and aggressive in interrogations due to stress caused by exposure to crime.

"You eat murder, you sleep murder and you even shit murder, it follows you all the time," the study quoted one homicide investigator saying

¿Qué no es el punto del "Good cop/Bad cop" que el Bad cop asuste al criminal y luego le suelte la sopa al Good cop? o nuestras abuelitas tenian razón... y es mejor ser amable y conseguiras lo que quieras de la vida??

Yahoo! News - "Good cop" beats "bad cop" in interrogations

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