Thursday, March 11, 2004

The World's Funniest Collection of Masturbation Synonyms

Una mega lista de sinonimos para la masturbación:

For women:

Applying nail polish remover
Auditioning the finger puppets
Brushing your afro
Buttering your bagel
Checking for squirrels
Checking the foxhole
Checking the oil
Checking the status of the I/O port
Cleaning my fur coat
Coaxing the genie out of the magic lamp
Defrosting the freezer
Dialing the rotary phone
Diggin' the stench trench
Digging for my keys
Doing my nails

for Men:

A date with Mrs. Palmer and her 5 slut daughters
Auditioning the hand puppet
Badgering the witness
Beating the fuck out of your best friend
Beating the shit out of your incapacitated midget
Beating the snot outta Rotney
Beating the snotty end of my fuck stick
Blueball baseball
Calling down for more Mayo
Calling in the National Guard to assist you in a strategic crisis
Caping the crusader
Cheating on your other hand

para la lista completa, seguir la liga:

The World's Funniest Collection of Masturbation Synonyms

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