Tuesday, March 16, 2004

BBC NEWS | Technology | Fake job ads mask credit card scam

Este era el scam mas o menos.

Ladrones ponen un sitio o clonan un sitio de donaciones en internet. Contratan a gente para ser sus gerentes de distribución y les mandan los objetos robados. Que terminan en Rusia...

The job ads hide their real origins by claiming to be posted by charities looking for people to forward donations made by hi-tech firms.

Those taking the job are promised a fee for every package forwarded.

Student Sebastien Thibault, who lives in Edinburgh, responded to an advert for a "correspondence manager" on the Monster.co.uk website in February.

Text on the ad read: "As we receive donations from all over the world we need assistants who could receive charity, sort, store, and make it ready for dispatching to the orphanages, following the instructions of our managers."

Soon after his job application was accepted parcels started turning up at his home that he was asked to forward to an address in Russia.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Fake job ads mask credit card scam

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