Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Este post viene a usted gracias al patrocinio de: La Industria Tabacalera.

Nicotine Metabolite May Improve Memory, Protect Against Disease

Scientists continue to explore the remarkable protective effect of nicotine -- the addictive chemical in tobacco -- on the brain. One recent study has found that one of nicotine's metabolites, cotinine, may improve memory and protect brain cells from diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Another new study shows that nicotine can help improve some of the learning and memory problems associated with hypothyroidism. Such studies suggest that nicotine -- or drugs that mimic nicotine -- may one day prove beneficial in the treatment of neurological disorders.

el resto del articulo trata de retractarse de lo que empezo como "Nicotina! La nueva superdroga" y termina por darle en la torre a la teoria de que sirve para todo y causa problemas en el embarazo y puede o no causar cancer.

ScienceDaily Magazine: Your Source For The Latest Research News

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