Tuesday, August 05, 2003

CNN.com - Inventor develops 'talking glove' for deaf

Esta noticia salio hace dos dias. En las paginas del reforma era algo asi como : Mexicano inventa guante que habla! ( y todavia me pregunto porque cuando deje mi curriculum en el reforma nunca me contestaron...) pero en CNN salio una nota mas completa en especial cosas como:

She especially was interested in his work to make his device translate American Sign Language into spoken Spanish as well as English because of the help it could give to immigrant families.

"The small deaf children go to school and learn English and ASL," she said. "The parents go on speaking Spanish. Gradually they lose any means of communication."

convirtiendo la noticia en: Mexicano inventa guante que habla! Chicanos se benefician. (Reforma... la pelota esta en tù cancha)

Y para no variar, los americanos ya lo quieren modificar para usos militares:

He said the glove could be attached to existing wireless equipment and used by a squad commander to send hand signals from outside a building to soldiers hiding inside. They would feel the signals as gentle coded vibrations in their chests or typed on a screen.

CNN.com - Inventor develops 'talking glove' for deaf - Aug. 3, 2003
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